My actifit:Traffic light

#bdbillal #photography #myactifit
Signaling devices located in traffic lights, traffic signals, traffic lights, traffic safety, signal lights, stop lights, robots (in South Africa and most Africa), and traffic control signals are also known as road intersections, pedestrian crossings, and Control the flow of traffic to other locations.

The world's first traffic light was short lived. It was a manual-operated gas-light signal in London in December 1868. More than a month after it came into effect, it hit the police operator of the police. Traffic control seemed necessary in the late 1890s, and then Ernest Cyril from Chicago patented the first automatic traffic control system in 1910. It used the word "stop" and "processed", although no words were bright.
1.Direction of green light traffic lets the direction move forward, if it is safe and room on the other side of the intersection.

  1. Amber lights warn that the signal is going to be red. In many countries - among them the UK - a stage that is displayed in red and yellow together indicate that the signal is converted to green. [4] Drivers change the required steps in yellow light, with some jurisdiction it is necessary to prevent the driver from running and if others can make it secure then the drivers may go in disguise.
    ______________________thaks for read this, I hope this work in our life________________________________
    Following a universal color code, traffic lights alternate with light or red color LEDs (red, amber, and green) in light of the street given to users. Normally the order in the color level
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