Welcome on my very first post!
A friend showed me this website a couple days ago and told me to share my art on here.
I am an art student at a highschool in Germany and turned 18 just about a month ago.
Being very honest, most of my time is spent on meeting friends, watching anime and reading manga, consuming a certain plant based substance, and of course A R T ! ✿
Just like most teenagers, I had a sort of rough puberty, going through all kinds of emotions, feelings and mental struggles, which lead me to being the human I am today, which is a crazy human, but also a warm, supportive and understanding one.
I made a lot of 'mistakes' which led to me failing my classes, I was completely lost and scared at that time, but with the support of loving family, friends and teachers (!) I managed to change schools and went to a school that supports art as an educational direction. Without those 'mistakes', I would never have entered a school full of amazing people, teachers as well as students, I would not get the education I need in order to get the perfect mixture of things I really want to know and things I should know to survive in the world of social norms. So if you ever feel stuck with any 'mistakes' you are making, then don't be scared, because everything you do, will lead you somewhere, someplace better for you. ✿
My sketches and drawings are mostly cartoon/anime style persons, but I try to get a bigger mix of different things. My work is currently exclusively traditional, because I do not yet feel ready enough to start on digital art work. Maybe soon though...
Instead of just sharing my art and progress with you, I thought it might as well be interesting to share other stories, quotes, imagery and thoughts with you, that I find inspiring in hopes to inspire you, too. ✿
This might become a mixture of all sorts of things in the end, but I hope I can manage to keep it mainly about art and things of artistic value...
Nonetheless, I hope you have a blissful day and I will see you again sometime ✿~