La luna 'the moon"

Cómo buen aficionado a la astronomía, lo primero que vemos al mirar el cielo es la luna. Su grandeza y su belleza es inigualable!!! Está a una distancia de 384.400 kilómetros de la tierra, sin embargo se ve más cerca de lo que parece. Comparto con ustedes una imágen tomada por mí espero y les guste.


As a good amateur astronomer, the first thing we see when looking at the sky is the moon. His greatness and beauty is unmatched! It is at a distance of 384,400 kilometers from the earth, however it looks closer than it seems. I share with you an image taken by me I hope and like it
As a good amateur astronomer, the first thing we see when looking at the sky is the moon. His greatness and beauty is unmatched! It is at a distance of 384,400 kilometers from the earth, however it looks closer than it seems. I share with you an image taken by me I hope and like it.

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