Intro Part II

SSDC, Inc. is kind enough to let us produce original content in their Battlelords of the Twenty-Third Century® sci-fi RPG universe.


Battlelords of the Twenty-Third Century® has been published in 6 editions since 1990. The 7th edition was successfully Kickstarted this year and is available for pre-order at backerkit.

Battlelords 1st Edition (1990) - 1st appearance of the Orion Rogue (thrill-seeking hedonists with very flexible moral and social codes).

Battlelords 3rd Edition (1991) - 1st mention of the Dranits (humanoid hive insect) and their homeworld Trell in the Andromeda galaxy. Dranit concept by Carlos Venegas (2010).

Galactic Underground I & II (1994) -1st appearance of the Goola-Goola (purple primate space dwarf) and Fott (synthetic rabbit-Human [Leporoid] hybrid).

Athena Virtual Productions, Inc. formed (2006) – our indie video game company to develop Battlelords as an electronic RPG.

Engines of War: Battlelords Vehicle Guide (2007) – Mecha & hover vehicles designed by AVPI.

Battlelords animated series pitch & pilot episode spec script (2010) - 1st appearance of the Orion Rogue character Jaloon Roe created by Rex Hurst & Andrew Bator. jaloon-sketch.jpg
Battlelords Animation (2011) - proof of concept

Battlelords Twitter Social Game app launched (2011) - AVPI partnered with Sarepta Studio. Interface designed by Stian Røbergeng.

What The Fott?© webcomic (2011) - Originally created as marketing material to build general awareness for the Battlelords setting. Cera and her Smart Gun grew out of the concept for the Battlelords animated series pitch. Cera was a friend of the main character Jaloon. The web comic is Cera’s story and her life on the war torn planet of Trell. Once we realized her weapon was a Smart Gun that should talk back everything started to fall into place. Cera O'Malley created by Julie Robert. cera-evo.jpg

Battlelords Facebook Social Game app beta (2012) - AVPI partnered with Sarepta Studio.





Unsuccessful Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign (Dec 2012 – Jan 2013) - to develop a choose-your-own-adventure visual novel with RPG elements for smart phones & tablets. Based on What The Fott© and Cera O'Malley.
Proof of Concept


AVPI shut its doors (Feburary 2013) – we held on for as long as we could trying to secure funding through the economic collapse and fallout of 2008. With the failed attempt to secure crowdfunding to continue development we finally had to throw in the towel.

Talks of reviving What The Fott?© webcomic with SSDC begin (March 2016).

What The Fott?© relaunches (March 2017) – William Leftwich & Andrew Bator look back on this project as the most rewarding of their careers and start the sci-fi webcomic up again.

Across The Wounded Galaxy (August 2017) by Rex Hurst – 1st novel set in the Battlelords universe is published.

PVQ Communications webcomic (September 2017) – Companion series of What The Fott?©. PVQ has a powerful hold on the minds of Alliance citizens and is the largest broadcasting and communications equipment manufacturer. They also control the majority of the Hypernet.

Battlelords Jaloon: Chopping Mall (Coming Soon) by William Leftwich, Andrew Bator & A.A. Roi – short story following the escapades of our clumsy, spastic Orion Rogue. 20496506_10155637879833060_409382193_n.png

Utility (Coming 2018) – stand alone one-shot webcomic of everyone's favorite brain-damaged insect.

Battlelords Jaloon: With That Thing (Coming 2018) by Rex Hurst - 2nd short story of our anti-depressant addicted Orion's continuing misadventures.

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