Tommy Here - My Intro - Full time Online Marketer coming to xD

Well hello everyone!

My name is Tommy, Thomas, Tom or Mot... Yeah... Mot

When I was in kindergarten I liked the letter "M" better than "T" so I would say my name backwards :D

Now then, here we go.

I'm not a hot woman like these...

I live just outside of Chicago Illinois in the huge, and some what uppity, neighborhood of Naperville Illinois. I didn't grow up here, I moved here because my girlfriend lived here and we put our daughter in a school down the street from the house I now have in Naperville.

I'm 31 years old, 32 in November, and I still have childish tendencies every once in a while. For example, I was just in Michigan for a wedding and at the house we were at they had a swim dock in the lake. Long story short, I'm too old to be back flipping off of the swim dock. I may also be too fat lol :D

I started working online around 2003/2004 and haven't looked back since :) At first it was a tough road to travel because you never knew when you would make your next dollar, but I loved it. Fast forward to today and I now own my own SEO (search engine optimization) and Online Marketing Company and I have around10 people working on all my stuff at any given time :) I had an office where I had people working for me, but I was limiting my company because i couldn't hire the best of the best across the world since I was having people come clock in for a pay check. Now I get to work from home, on my couch, and so can all my employees. If they get their work done, I'm happy :) I don't know how often I'll be able to come on since I have a decent amount of clients that take up most of my time, but I'll try to get on here as much as possible to help out anyone I can :) Also, the thumbnail, that's called clickbait in order to get you in here to read about me ;)

I'm a family man as well :) I live with my gorgeous girlfriend, beautiful 7 year old daughter, my dog Harley, Cats Duke/Daisy/Panther, and our bearded dragons Logan/Delta. I pretty much have a small zoo running around my house, but I like it because I always have someone/something to talk to :) They don't listen too well since my dog just ignores me and my cats sleep all the time, but I like to think they're absorbing what I'm saying to them :)

I'm a pretty avid gamer, when I have time that is. I recently bought a PS4 and the game I'm playing a lot is Destiny. It doesn't have all the greatest reviews, but I still like it. It doesn't have a ton of amazing reviews compared to other top sellers, but I think that's because they launched early. The game was definitely launched before completion and that put a bad cloud over the game ever since. Now it's pretty awesome and I would suggest everyone to go out and get it. You can even add me if you want, just message me (if possible) and I'll add you :) Other than Destiny, I have a few gaming websites that we're working on and I hope they get big enough to become competitors with IGN and other gaming niche heavy weights :) We will be covering a multitude of topics, not just one game. We'll offer live streaming, reviews of weapons and tactics for each game we play, and various other things to do with gaming :)

In my spare time I like to wakeboard, snowboard, go fishing, camping, hiking, or pretty much anything that involves the outdoors as long as it's not 100 degrees outside. I'm very Irish and I burn even in the shade.

Well, that's me :)

Thanks for reading!

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