HMVF Artist Interviews - #18 STEEVC


Hello hivians,
hello musiclovers!

this is our weekly interview post. We want to sharpen your senses for HIVE musicians, that´s why we made it our goal to interview a new musician every week.
There are a tremendous amount of very talented musicians on our HIVE Blockchain. Too many of them are going unnoticed. We at HMVF and Blocktunes are here to change that. Our interview series will let you get a look behind the curtain of some of these artists. Their music, their process, and their goals. Let us come together to support the music of HIVE.

Of course these posts will also have the purpose of collecting funds for HMVF, to be able to create as many music videos for these awesome artists as possible. 🎵
We wish you lot´s of fun with the interviews and consider supporting these awesome artists please!

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This week's musician is steevc (@steevc)

As you browse around and connect on HIVE you may have already come across Steve. He has become a staple of the music contents, open mics and even Rising Star (he has his own card!).
He has been very inclusive in his journey and creating communities for like minded musicians.

We caught up with steevc to dive in a little deeper into how it all came to be.


🎤 Enjoy the interview here!

First off, how did the artist name steevc come about?

I perform under my own name (Steve Clark), but my steevc tag came from someone deliberately mis-spelling my name when we went bowling. I’ve used it online for years.

How would you describe your sound?

My recordings of my own songs have been mostly acoustic so far, but I would like to incorporate more electric guitar. I started drumming in the last year, so that will be part of future recordings too. Although I might be considered in the singer/songwriter genre (whatever that is) it is just how it turned out and there was no great plan.

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Which artists have had the greatest influence on you?

I have long been a fan of what might be called classic rock, but I also like some blues. An influence on my song writing is a guy called Tyler Hylton who was behind the Six String Bliss podcast. I got involved with their community and he would write songs for albums they put together. I started some pub jam sessions a few years back and that has put me in touch with lots of local musicians. Various projects have come out of that including some swing jazz groups which I would not have expected really. I find some of these people inspirational too.

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What is your songwriting process? How does a song come together for steevc?

Sometimes a lyric will come to me and I will try to expand on it. That can happen quite quickly. Then I will try to figure out some chords to go with it. My arrangements have been pretty simple so far, but I hope to improve on that. I have done all my own recording so far, but I am open to collaborations.

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What do you hope that the listener takes away from your music?

A lot of my songs are humorous, so I hope I at least make them smile. If they walk away singing the chorus then that’s a bonus.

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How do you think being a part of the Hive blockchain will help your music career?

Music is mostly for fun with me, but Hive has helped me build an audience as well as inspiring me. The old Six String Bliss community broke up years ago and the Hive family has been very welcoming. It was when doing the old open mic challenge that I started writing songs. It was not something I thought I could do before that. Mind you, I only started signing in public a few years before that.

I do not anticipate being a professional musician, but it is wonderful to have earned from my music on Hive.

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Share a tip for other hard-working artists out there searching for success in the new music industry?

I would say to get involved with musical challenges and themes on Hive as this will get you heard by more people. Hive is not like other platforms and you need to work with the community rather than just pushing out content. Beyond that I really do not know how to build a music career. Things are changing so fast and you need to find your audience.

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What does the future hold for steevc?

I made my first album two years ago and hope to do more. I just need to get back into songwriting mode. I have all the gear I need for recording at home, but need to learn more about recording and production to make the most of it.

I expect to do more performing with my band Swing 42. We have been playing for dancers at local events as well as some small gigs. I may get involved in more band projects that may include some drumming.

One thing that can hold me back is a condition with my right hand that has caused some muscle wastage. It may not be treatable, but I will carry on as best I can. It makes it hard to play for long with a guitar pick and may affect my drumming too. I try to find ways to work around it.

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If you want to know more about STEEVC, follow and keep up with his process here on Hive.

Support this awesome artist and help him continue making great music!

Hear the debut album by steevc here:

Steevc has also created some great HIVE communities:

Have a great weekend everyone and see you at the next interview!


The HMVF Team

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PS. We are searching for more artists to interview and promote through our channels. If you create original music (or know someone that does) get in touch and let’s set up an interview and learn more about you. We love music and want to see it grow on HIVE. Be a part of it! 🎵

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Help us collecting funds for the very first Hive Music Video production, which will be a song of @ravenmus1c! 💜

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