You can't make this kind of stuff up! Our Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution, and the Bill of rights to limit Government overreach, and now these "Tyrant wanna be's" they warned us about; are lamenting the restrictions provided to protect us from an out of control government!
Article on Chipman who Biden wants in charge of the ATF, he's unhappy because he can't arrest and sieze property from all those whom he doesn't agree with potically:
Image from article:
He can NOT stand the fact that the First and Second Amendments limit his Tyranical dream of total control:
David Chipman, President Joe Biden’s pick to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATF), said in 2019 on national television that it is frustrating the U.S. government cannot violate people’s right to bear arms if they use “hate speech” on the internet.
The $1000.00 question is; WHO decides what "hate speech" consists of? They don't understand the danger involved in making a difference of opinion...a crime! This will force people with legitimate peaceful questions, to respond the only way they have left; with violence to defend themselves. This should be obvious to any thinking person; even though I pray I'm wrong!
“The frustration is in the United States the freedom of speech and to say things is largely cannot be regulated,” Chipman said on BBC. ” …We have to do more to monitor hate speech on the internet. But we also have to do more to curb that same speech being presented by our president and other elected public officials.”
Again, their hate speech, is acceptable and good; with only liberals to decide what is actually "hate Speech", or policy! What could possibly go wrong with this? With no restraint on liberal wants, or questions on long term damage that Must result!
“The FBI, other federal agencies, have a tough job responding to these threats when they don’t currently have the authority to remove weaponry just because people are saying hateful things,” he also said.
His record shows he is not suitable for a position of power, he is a Tyrant in training; chafing against the leash mch wiser Men made for him 250 years ago!
Chipman, a registered gun lobbyist who has been widely opposed by Second Amendment groups, also said in the interview “we have to look at the weaponry that is on the streets.” The remarks align with his stance to ban AR-15s and “assault weapons.”
It should worry every Citizen that our standing government officials can even entertain the concept that the Constitution is Not the LAW of The Land! This man should be removed Immediately for ignoring his oath to protect and defend the US Constitution, against all enemies, foreign or DOMESTIC!
Spokesman Mark Oliva of the National Shooting Sports Foundation told The Federalist the video makes “clear that he sees our God-given liberties of free speech as a “frustration” and feels it necessary to “curb’ not one, but two rights that are protected by the Constitution.”
We need to remind these small minded people, that they work for US; and the Constitution is NOT their toilet paper, but the Law of The LAND! This Republic is NOT their Fascist dream, and they are only Employees, not Kings!!!!