Progressive, Not Woke

Trump's election in 2016 and Bernie Sanders' rising popularity since that same year are, in my opinion, signalling the beginning of identity politics' downfall. One could argue that Trump is the embodiment of white identity politics, the right wing reaction to the identity politics that catered to all but disenfranchised white males.

source: Wikimedia Commons

But I believe that could well be identity politics' last gasp. I also believe that Sanders' surge in the polls is a sign that the left versus right divide among regular people is fading, as they increasingly recognize that their fates are shared. As an example I'd like to refer to the New York Times endorsement of Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar a couple of days ago. This is a complete failure by NYT of course, as the whole point of an endorsement is to stand behind one candidate who's policies you approve of. Above and beyond that, this double endorsement of the only women left in the race fails in its wokeness. "See? We stand behind the women!" Yeah, and we don't care about the fact that they are completely different, one a self described progressive and the other a self described centrist. This endorsement also signals that women are interchangeable; it's an insult, no matter how you look at it.

There's another, deeper problem with identity politics, which is simply that it divides people, or rather that it accentuates the very real differences, needs and histories between different social identities, and does so in a way that it often pits them against each other. We, all of us, need to find a way to recognize these differences without using them as weapons in political games and strategies. And here's where Bernie Sanders comes into the picture. Listen to him when he talks, when he answers questions about women's' rights, reparations for African Americans or the special needs of the LGBTQ community; he always answers these questions by pointing to the universal programs that he intends to implement if he becomes president. What will you do for black people? Reform the justice system that now disproportionately targets black and Latino men, make higher education tuition-free which will disproportionately benefit minorities, the poor ad working class people, introduce universal healthcare because minorities, the poor and working class people are now the ones that have no insurance or are under-insured, implement a green new deal because the first ones to be affected by climate change are people of color and, as always, the poor.

When you're living paycheck to paycheck, which is true for at least 70 percent of Americans, it doesn't matter who you are; you will benefit more from universal programs that aim to erase the economical differences than if you're rich. Healthcare being free at the point of service for everyone and payed for by everyone, with the same services available for everyone, is a major equalizer. So is free college and so is debt-relief by erasing student debts for everyone, rich and poor alike. The rich won't notice any difference and it creates a much more level playing field with equal opportunities in life for everyone. And this basic idea has broad support in both political wings of the people. I especially like Bernie's take on these issues and I haven't heard him advocate for special policies for targeted social identities. He always falls back on his strong agenda of equality and universality, and reminds us how this will benefit the protected classes, poor and working class people. Bernie is the perfect response to the white identity politics of the right and the traditional identity politics of the left that preceded it, and is therefore the perfect mirror image of Trump and the Democratic establishment alike; he IS the perfect candidate to go up against Trump in the next general elections and is best suited to defeat him. Bernie is progressive, not woke.

Think Bernie Is ‘Radical’? He Disagrees.

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