Good Cops

Hello. For anyone who happens to look at my blog, I need to reexamine some things I have shared in the past. (Wow, this is going to get personal here.)


My husband has suffered from depression this last year. To self medicate, he was drinking beer and taking my ADHD meds. I discontinued my ADHD meds recently so as not to deal with it, but some new events have transpired lately. The alcohol got to his head, and made him scary. He was arrested twice for "disorderly conduct: domestic abuse" within the last couple months. This last time he was ordered to not come to this house without a written order.


I know cops can be corrupt, and I know what I've said about them in previous posts. I mean, I was told I've been being tracked for four years by one! Maybe for reasons other than I thought...

I would like to retract what I said about them. At least about the cops in central Wisconsin, for the following reasons, as unpopular as it may be to Steemians out there...

The last incident ended with me and 3 of my kids locked in the bathroom begging my husband to leave, as he was aggressive, fighting, name calling, banging on the door trying to get to us. He turned a corner, and I was scared. I called the cops. Other times Jared would take my phone and hide my keys, preventing me from calling anyone or leaving. This time, I hid the phone and was able to call.

After they arrested him, the police officer - who said that they have been tracking me for 4 years - asked if I needed a hug.

I was crying, and said, "I'm scared. I don't know how to do this on my own." His response: a hug. I found this to be a very noble gesture, and I accepted the hug.

After Jared's mom bailed him out, a cop called again (not sure if same one), and said no contact, and that I should call them if Jared came around, and he said quote we're here for you. They also called the women's shelter and asked them to reach out to me.


Not to mention I was nominated for their Christmas gift program for families in need a couple or years ago.

Not to mention they secured the house for me, and kicked out the squatters that were living here a couple of years ago, when I was homeless, and fought for our home.

In the end here, Jared is finally getting better. I have hope that our family will stay intact. He is getting professional help, and doing what he needs to do now. He can be back in the house by Christmas if he follows through with treatment and employment.

Thanks for reading.

Love, snowpea ❤

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