Can this house arrest get any stranger? Average deaths in the USA plunge during pandemic!

Dr. Scott Jensen, a Minnesota physician, AND a Republican state senator was ordered to over estimate Covid 19 deaths. They told him, in writing, to list Covid 19 as the cause of death; without lab testing, in an effort to increase the fatality statistics, for this pandemic!

Image from article:
Covid 19 padded death certificate order.jpg
Senator Jensen on the Senate floor.

Article on inflated numbers:

Senator Jensen actually has the 7 page document from Minnesota instructing him to falsify death certificates.

Dr. Scott Jensen, a Minnesota physician, and Republican state senator said he received a 7-page document coaching him to fill out death certificates with a COVID-19 diagnosis without a lab test to confirm the patient actually had the virus.

“Last Friday I received a 7-page document that told me if I had an 86-year-old patient that had pneumonia but was never tested for COVID-19 but some time after she came down with pneumonia we learned that she had been exposed to her son who had no symptoms but later on was identified with COVID-19, then it would be appropriate to diagnose on the death certificate COVID-19,”

This is deliberately tainting the data to make the Covid 19 virus look more dangerous than it actually is! It is ironic to note that Pneumonia deaths were down last month, from the previous normal by over 1000. It is safe to assume that combining these two facts, to be accurate, we should lower the Covid 19 statistics by 1000 fatalities last month.

The Senator explained that this is NOT business as usual!

Dr. Jensen explained that this is not a normal procedure.

Dr. Jensen said for example if the same patient had pneumonia during flu season and he didn’t have a test confirming the patient also had influenza, he would never diagnose the patient with influenza on the death certificate.

This is a deliberate attempt by a government entity to skew the Covid 19 data, to falsely make the virus look more dangerous that it really is in real life.

To speak on this from a different direction, we find deaths are Down in the USA by 10 to 15%, due to the Chronavirus.

Article on the reduction of fatalities in the USA:
According to the CDC’s website, in March 2020 there were a total of 193,000 deaths in the US. The average number of deaths in the US for March over the four years prior to 2020 (2016 – 2019) is 227,000. The difference between this year and the average for the past four years is 34,000. 2020 deaths are 85% of the average of the prior four years.

This data comes directly from the CDC's website, and it shows that we are safer Now than any time in the last four years!

According to the CDC’s website, in March 2020 there were a total of 193,000 deaths in the US. The average number of deaths in the US for March over the four years prior to 2020 (2016 – 2019) is 227,000. The difference between this year and the average for the past four years is 34,000. 2020 deaths are 85% of the average of the prior four years.

WHAT? We are facing "The" virus of the Century, and the death rates have dropped?

This is consistent with the data I have seen and published that the common cold (rinovirus) is more lethal than the Covid 19 virus! The house arrest will also work on the common cold; as well as other low level contagion, like the Chronavirus!

Here is an article on this reduction from another source:

Again note the Data comes directly from the CDC website, and we see a significant reduction in fatalities in March (latest data) compared to Historic normals!

They also look at Europe, which is seeing similar results.

Some analyzing the data in Europe are noting that overall mortality across the pond hasn't risen much, raising questions as to what the true death toll (actual net increase of deaths more than would be expected) of the virus will be. Even Neil Ferguson, the oft-quoted mastermind behind the doomsday (and wildly false) prediction that 2.2 million Americans and 500,000 Brits would die from COVID-19, admits as such. When downgrading his projected death total from COVID from 500k to 20,000 in the U.K., Ferguson then noted that the net impact on overall mortality will be "substantially lower." In fact, Ferguson said those who could be expected to die even without COVID-19 "might be as much as half or two thirds of the deaths we see, because these are people at the end of their lives or who have underlying conditions.”

So what is the real reason for the "House Arrest" being forced upon this planet? It is time to stop being Stupid and get the World back to Work! Require masks if you like, but we all need to be back to work!

The data suggests that this is likely a Biological False Flag attack; intended to seize political power! As we proceed, it will become increasingly difficult to hide this fact, because the data will continue to diverge from their computer models. In NYC the 'compensated' computer models for our 'house arrest,' called for 60,000 deaths from Covid 19; where we actually lost about 12,000. This is NOT to make light of these terrible losses, because every death reduces us all!

BUT These losses are also NOT acceptable to USE to gain political power!!!! ANY politicians that are involved in this power grab, MUST be voted out. We don't need this kind of Scum-vermin representing us in DC!


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