The Death of Democracy: The Framer's Intent


[I'm having a lot of back problems and may have to go into the hospital for awhile... so if I disappear, it's only me back- not something more serious]

I want to focus on two Constitutional issues that are profoundly affecting us now and I've assembled a pretty good collection of sayings from our Framers to illustrate many of the points I want to make... The 1st Amendment's free exercise and establishment clauses pertaining to religion- and the 2nd which is under a vicious attack from the progressive left and the "Tide pod crowd." As far as the passage from the 1st, lets compare and contrast to where we are now...

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." As is true of the 2nd, there is no ambiguity of language. It's important to remember that the Constitution, and particularly the Bill of Rights, limits the power of government, not the power of the citizenry. In the words of Patrick Henry...

In respect to religion, the 1st Amendment guarantees that the government shall not interfere with the exercise of religion. The prohibition against allowing religious symbols on public property during holidays is completely unconstitutional and does not "favor one religion over another" as the ACLU claims as long as all religions are afforded the same right. Moreover, public property is the very place where this should be upheld because only on private property can the owner favor his/her religion above others. With the proliferation of alternative religions, we must remember, however, that America was founded as a Christian nation first- one that tolerates the others...

In truth, there should never even be a case brought to the Supreme Court involving religion... According to the 1st Amendment- government- except in overreach- has no business involving itself unless it's in favor of religion. Lamentably, government overreach has so pervaded our lives that it would take a revolution to extricate ourselves. These words from Thomas Jefferson seem almost prophetic...

He also foresaw the dangers posed by the central bankers who took 100 years to get their hooks into our country:

And now tyranny is what we have... our republic is all but gone. Had Hillary Clinton been elected, we would be living in an oligarchical dictatorship. This quote from Samuel Adams describes perfectly the corrupt system we've been living under for the past several decades...
Or in the words of Franklin-

The time has come for experienced patriots to exercise our rights. The time has come to stand up and not kowtow to those who would have us disarmed. Remember, all criminals prefer unarmed victims...


I'm @richq11 and I approve this message... and this one!




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