Now We All Have A Threat Score!

A nationwide personal intelligence picture, all about you!

Just like a Credit Score, each one of us will have a Threat Score.
No doubt the Government has allocated a huge amount of resources, assessing whether or not you pose a threat. In fact I would be disapointed if they didn't! That's their job, right? How about when those resources are directed towards every aspect of your life and for the entire population?


Appear on their radar or encroach above a baseline threshold and you will be allocated a threat score. You may even be tagged as a Low, Medium or High Value Target.
The question you have to ask yourself – Is your Threat score above the risk-line? If it is, you will be a marked person, a person who will be added to a list of some sort and subject to increased scrutiny. The media like to call these 'WATCH-LISTS'. The higher up the watch-list, the more resources that will be allocated to monitor you.
How many times after any incident, have you heard the media reporting the fact that, 'The suspect was known to security forces'?

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Have You Been Targetted For Intermination?

For The Sake Of Safety

What causes a society to implement such measures? We weren't so monitored prior to the computer age were we? The instantaneous communications and flow of information speed may have facilitated our need to be heard and not offended, but throw in a mixture of races, religions, greed, overpopulation, globalisation and distrust and you have a society that inevitably will escalate into chaos.

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Our data is being harvested ALL the time and analysed by computers. Artificial Intelligence now analyses and decides your fate instantaneously. Decisive systems that are so advanced, they will 'ping' you before there is any time for reasonable explanation and these actions are outsourced to private data companies.

Are You A Threat To Society?

Your threat score or 'Risk Level', to be more precise would detail your place on the nationwide pre-crime ladder and your likelihood of vulnerability from carrying out acts of diabolical violence. These may stem from extremist groups, Foreign Intelligence Services (FIS) or idialigical influences. So what then? Do we all enjoy living in a surveillance police state for our own safety? It would depend on your intent, motive and the workload of the security services as to whether you are 'bought in for questioning'.

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My Point

Whether we like it or not, we are heading towards a Pre-Crime society. Is this a consequence of a society getting soft or a justice system trying to over correct the faults of a troubled human race? One thing is for sure, history has demonstrated that no matter what the penalty is, criminality still happens. As the constant erosion of human integrity gets worse, our illustrious leaders will Watch More, Analyse More and hand over decisions to an All Seeing Artificial Intelligence.
The evaluation must therefore be, that your every action is being monitored/tagged for evaluation! Your web of associations are being linked by unseen and complex algorithms to assess you as a threat. In effect we are all subjected to Passive Vetting.

"It Seems You Have Been Living Two Lives"

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