The fall of kyle Kashuv, and a defense for Nikolas Cruz

If there is one word to avoid using these days, except for some blacks speaking it, it is the N word. Kyle Kashuv reportedly not only used this word, but possibly made a columbine reference in anger to creating a counter strike map of his high school and practice. The words claimed to be him are in grey.

Oh, what is a first amendment guy redacting words? well it is so I don't have to use the NSFW tag, but if you really want the original see


This reportedly is from page 2.

And reportedly someone shared a text message from him.

Some redactions are of my own, some redactions were somewhere further back in the chain of sharing to hide peoples names. To see the previous post of the chain which will be nsfw, click here.

are these some kind of hoaxes? Well Kyle, in response, did admit to posting some things in the past, but it isn't quite known if he knows the full scope of what was out there at the time of his apology. So it is possible his broad apology has been construed to apologize for things he never said.


He's apologizing trying to blame his youth, it could be to protect him image and to try to save his position in the debates and in public speaking gigs. One thing about why many rich people are really poor, is that many who come into wealth/fame want to go into debt to buy things they never had or would like to have. In some cases having nice things is part of the marketing to get more gigs. I am not sure what his personal finances are, but if he engaged in debt spending...its going to suck to be him when his opportunity dry out.

Those on the social media ban lists haven't ignored it either. Kyle previously mocked Laura Loomer for protesting the depersonization of jews that twitter conducted, and Kyle took a smug it is a private company argument and that her tactics would do much

source loomer telegram/kyle's wall.

source:loomer telegram

Milo isn't taking it well either, but he is still having a war with ben shapiro.
source: milo telegram

I don't know the origin of the claims that he said the N word 50 times. It could be a hyperbole, or maybe there are documents I haven't seen yet. As far as the claim that he said kill the jews, well the text wasn't grey so I doubt it was him. There is, however, something to mitigate the comments about the [speaking broadly] the nazi references and practices, but it seems to condemn Kyle even more. The term CSOG is used, which I am of the belief is a typo of counter strike global operations, and they could be trash talking some WWII scenario. If my theory is correct, and it appears to be something the media won't pick up (not matter how many times I say it), the posts that Kyle says was made years ago [assuming he was admitting this one] has a very columbinesque reference to it. The columbine kids reportedly edited DOOM to have the floor plan of columbine high school, although snopes disputes that.

If you revisit the first image, or, lemme crop below,

Maybe IMAD is someone's IGN, or maybe it is a "I'm mad" typo. but after that point, it reads, "I will fing make a CSOG map of Douglas and practice".

I am not sure who these other people are. Were they gamers from across the country, were they people who played at his high school? Could the term Douglas mean anything else besides the high school? It is hard to say at this point. If such a gaming map of the school exists and was created by kashuv, was it used by the school shooter? I suppose you could take it a lot hypothetical further such as was he a conspirator. Kyle certainly is on the Brevard county craplist for calling out the incompetent sheriff's department, if they wanted and they wasn't purely incompetent too then I suppose they could investigate him [or worse] for being a parkland conspirator as retaliation against him.

In regards to Nikolas Cruz, the alleged shooter. I suspect he will try to get a plea deal to life in prison or an NGRI to a hospital. But supposing the prosecutors wanted the equivalence of the death penalty, and depending on how strong the state's evidence is the defense could try to blame kashuv. There is evidence to say cruz did it: the uber driver's testimony that he was going to music class with a guitar case, he was seen to the school after he was kicked out, he purchased a similar gun a year prior. But there are potentials holes. Sometimes "alternative schools" aren't a physically different school, but a different program on the same premises. AR-15s are very common guns to buy, so if the incompetent sheriff failed to map the S/N that is another hole in the state prosecution. The defense doesn't have to prove that someone else did it, he just needs to create the argument that there was reasonable doubt that even one jurer agrees with.

And defense lawyers can try anything to create a defense. One man from Georgia beat a rape charge with the defense that he was too handsome to rape a woman. He was retried and convicted, but it still worked the first time.

White, male, smart, pro guns, making video game maps of the high school in a shooting game similar to what the columbine kids allegedly done. A desperate defense could focus on that as a defense.

It is sad when people are destroyed for speech. It wasn't the government that did it, it wasn't the SJWs who did it. Again, it isn't clear what Kyle agreed to exactly what he said. But if he said it, he pretty much doomed himself. Mind you someone in Hollywood could say it, a book writer could say it, but I don't think the general public will be so forgiving even if he said these things while goofing around or similarly he spoke it in an artistic fashion. It wasn't packaged neatly in a book, or in a film, so the general public could get an idea whats going on. It was like most people's speech in the middle of no where and no one knows what to think about it...except outrage. A common reaction since the era before the SJW. Instead of trying to put context to what he said, he basically said he was a few years younger and immature but has since matured. Can really bad speech be defended? Well comedians have a joke called the aristocrats (extreme nsfw) that they all tell their own version of and they get away with it, and person something similar was going on in the google doc.

Alternatively, schools are pretty messed up. We seen how the David Hogg clan is in having to bully everyone else to get what they want, and it is hard to know how much they bullied people into wanting to shoot up the school. One did physically, another may have talked about it virtually-and there may be many more in the shadows. The public school system should be abolished. In real life you would make it a habit to avoid the David Hogg's of the world, but public school forces you to interact with often violent and threatening buttholes every single beeping day of your life until you get out. The educational rights of probationers exceeds the physical safety of your honor roll kid, and the honor roll girls will fall for the probationers which is just an extra dagger in the side. A recipe for disaster. Likely Kyle Recovered his sanity the moment the Hogg Klan graduated.

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