Dozens arrested for erecting giant cross in Lesbos

One of the arrested locals says: “It seems that we disturbed a lot of people. The accusations for which we have been arrested are ridiculous. And if they tear it (the cross) down, we’ll raise it again. They have to understand that this is our land, this is our religion and this is our symbol.”


Some locals later demanded the cross be restored, including the right-wing “Free Citizens” party, which argued in a statement last month that the “Syriac mass, which ravages our country’s power, has attained its highest goal: the total destruction and extinction of every Greek and Christian element of our Greek Orthodox culture.”

  • The Greek island, located in the Aegean Sea near the shores of Turkey, became one of the main gateways to Europe when the migrant and refugee crisis erupted to new heights in 2015.

  • Years later, thousands still remain in overcrowded camps.

My Comment: The Voice of Europe incorrectly, in my opinion (and having first-hand knowledge of how the Greek people think) claim the cross is placed for the purpose of frightening away moslem invaders. The cross has never frightened ANY moslem, throughout their history. This is only an argument put forward by the Globalist Commies who want to destroy Greece and all of Europe (and of course the rest of the world).

So as to provide you with a link to the source, I have to place it as it is written by them, but I suggest you mentally delete what you have to use:

(see what I mean? They claim to be part of the alt news and that they tell the truth, but the orgs helping, and being paid by Israel, to fill Greece with moslems are it makes me wonder about the news site. Luckily we are still free to 'wonder'....)

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

7th March, 2019

  • posted on Steemit: 7th March, 2019

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