So much time has flown by due to covid, for the past 2 years I have been spending my birthday inside my home, with minimal food ordering through apps and mostly spending my day in front of my laptop. But this year I really wanted to go out, And that wish was granted for me. I was finally going out after 2 whole years of lockdown. Here's how my day went.
First off I got up a bit late, Usually I go for exercise but I decided to have some rest today. I ate some ramen as breakfast and headed out to a nearby mall for some shopping and playing at a arcade.
First of all, I prayed to god for a bit at out apartment temple, As this has been a tradition ever since I have celebrated my birthdays.
Next we headed to the mall, took us about 30 minutes to reach there.
Here's a picture I took with my dad.
After entering the mall, my sister and I right away went to the arcade.
We had quite the balance saved up and blew all of it in around 1-1.5 hours.
While we did all of this, our father decided to take rest in a massaging chair that was inside the arcade. This has to be one of the best ideas; adding in a massaging chair for parents to rest while kids have fun.
We also won some jackpots of tickets at the arcade
We played alot more games, and finally all the balance on the card was over, and it was time to walk out of the arcade, But before that we had the chance to redeem things with our 10,661 tickets we had in our cards. And so we decided to redeem alot of candy. Different types of candy. We also had our eye on the dices over there, These dices we couldn't even find in the store so we were lucky enough to find them here and thus redeemed 3 of those too, 1 for a showpiece and 2 for playing board games.
After all this we went for some shopping. We got some clothes for my father, and I purchased a Sandel for myself. This Sandel had quite the grip and was really comfortable. I really loved it.
It was finally time to leave the mall, While going out we saw alot of Christmas Decorations and thought to take photos of it and with them.
We headed back to home after this, ate lunch and took some rest. And it was finally time for my Birthday to be actually celebrated. We took a reservation of 12 people at Barbeque Nation. My family along with 2 more families. And we had quite the fun there, Their food was excellent, Their service was also really good. Overall we had alot of fun there.
After all of this, I had my birthday celebration, All the staff greeted me and I cut the cake, even the cake was excellent there. It was a lemon flavored sweet cake which was really good.
After eating all this, I finished it off with a Blue Lagoon.
We then went home, I also unwrapped my gifts. One of them was a sweater, grey colored and was really comfy. Loved it.
The second one was a smartwatch. I paired it with my phone and it works really good, It can measure my Heartrate and what not, also loved this watch.
This 30th December was one of a kind and other than my previous ones. After this, I was really tired and finally went to sleep. It was a day well spent, and a day to remember.