There is a lot of talk on steemit about money. What is happening to cryptocurrency these days?
There is a lot of talk in my local communities about activism and things we can to impeach Trump.
I grew tired of talking about cryptocurrency, which I admit was a big part of why I quit writing on here. I wanted to be able to delete this account. It seems like fraud that they can keep me and my words here forever attached to their currency. I did not read all the fine print of Steemit before joining.
In my local community, if I went around talking about money all the time, I would be looked down at. I already honestly express that I am broke because I just paid my enrollment deposit.
I wish all of the impeach Trump people who think they are doing good by what they are doing would stop being so hypocritical in terms of India.
Tonight I go to a local party of these impeach Trump people mostly. They wear fancy clothes. Not like Hollywood, but in India, these clothes would be desirable, I imagine.
I am putting my mind in two places and listening hard for what is true.
We all stand in a line and eat New Orleans celebration type foods. Jumbelia and Gumbo and Rice and Kings Cake.
There is so much here. No one here is going hungry. There is a double standard because India is forgotten. Maybe this person does mission work somewhere with less financially, and maybe that person cares a lot about India.
But nobody is doing everything. Not all of these people are broke like I am. I am working so I am not broke. That is the plan.
I am working to empower myself and save India. That is the plan right. Just to feed all the friends in India right?