

We all can agree with the fact that as the days go by the use of the internet and social media platforms are on the rise, we've seen a continuous rise of the influx of social media users. On the other hand, majority of these users who tend to follow a trend one way or another mostly share their private affairs online without prior knowledge that these data are sold by owners of the network, centralized social networks have proven time and again that they only care about the traffic and bucks they receive. The use of social media could make and at the same time mar an individual, as an internet lover who loves to showcase all you do daily, do you know that an utter stranger sitting at home in the comfort of his sofa has your daily routine at his disposal?

Don't get me wrong here, social media could be your breaking point which could eventually lead to your stardom because of its powerful tools to connect you to the outside world, it also connects lost friends, acquaints, lovers, families, etc. Centralized social networks have failed because they pay little or no attention to the harm these privacy leaks could do to their users but on a lighter note, I have a more preferred alternative I'm going to introduce you to as we progress. If I'm asked to choose between centralized social platforms and decentralized social platforms I'll choose the latter because with the modern technology of #tokapp which does not only protect my private data from falling into the wrong hands but also doesn't sell them for personal gain, they offer a little non-standard idea, which distinguishes it from those projects, the concept of which we have already considered.



#tokapp is a modern-day decentralized social media network built on the blockchain technology to help conserve what is left from all centralized social media has taken from social media users. They envision to create a secure atmosphere for communication purposes for their users, and there will be zero tolerance for a bully, gender inequality, racism, and ethnicity complex. In a bid to sanitize the already existing concepts of the social media we know today, #tokapp has designed their network to transform how users socialize with one another with an added incentive, platform users can receive incentives when they use the platform, 30% of revenues generated will be distributed to users as rewards for their loyalty and for helping keep the platform healthy.

As mentioned above, the protection of user's data is an utmost priority for tokapp, the data users share on #tokapp will be encrypted on the blockchain technology to avoid unauthorized access or getting leaked, the use of the blockchain technology will ensure transparency, seamlessness, decentralization, and secure data storage on a public ledger. Integrating tokapp with the blockchain because of its decentralization has its perks, what this means is that tokapp is not under any government or the influence of any institution, there will be no issue of data misuse because users will have hundred percent control of their data at all times.

#tokapp is created on ethereum blockchain because of its high speed, autonomous trade executions, and decentralization that characterized ethereum blockchain, the #tok token will serve as the native token in which the platform will run on. It is safe to say that the smooth running on the platform will solely rely on #tok. Tok tokens will be shared as profits to users with a high level of transparency.

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Tokapp will create an atmosphere for faster communications, encrypted (safe) communications to allow users around the world enjoy its features, users can make and receive audio calls, video calls, video meetings, chat one on one, secret chats, collaborative documents, video broadcast, whiteboard, webinars, create group chats that will serve both personal and business purposes irrespectively (to share and receive information, share ideas, latest news, display goods and services and so much more). The #tokapp will have an inbuilt wallet where users can securely store their funds, send and receive funds from friends and clients, it also has an inbuilt marketplace, peer to peer gaming platform and exchange.


❖ Online wallet: Where users can store their tokens.
❖ Group chat: Where users meet to discuss, have fun and importantly learn.
❖ Video chats: One can upload live events, news or personal video clips.
❖ Channels: Users can create or join any channels of their choice where they could teach or learn new things.
❖ Messenger: Interact with friends and loved ones by sending a private message, and you could also chat with new friends.
❖ Pictures: One can upload pictures of themselves or things they love for the viewing pleasure of the community.
❖ Newsfeed: See the latest shares from the timeline of friends.
❖ Marketplace: You can buy, sell, sponsor advertisements or do anything to earn a few extra bucks.










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