Carboneum: Simplifying the Complexity of Crypto Trading

In financial circles, the quest for simplification of trading, and the investment process, has for many years been on the front burner, but still, no significant all-encompassing result has been achieved, and investment procedures remains as complex as ever to many. Traditional trading, and investment, is made complex by factors such as: the vast flow of information that cuts across different fields, constant changes in technology and instruments used in trading, changing financial and political trends in the world, amongst many others.

Considering the fact that trading in financial markets has existed for so long, and the process of trading is yet to become a skill that everyone has adopted, it comes as no surprise that the relatively uncharted market of crypto trading is complex to many interested investors, who seek to explore this labyrinth of digital treasures. In order to invest, there is the need to first understand, this correlation has been proven over time across every asset class. Therefore it is reasonable that many investors with limited exposure to digital assets, and cryptocurrencies find it hard to understand the mechanism behind the investment vehicle or instruments of the crypto market, hence their reluctance to enter into the market.

However, a notable practice that simplifies the trading, and investment process is social trading. Social trading simplifies trading by allowing traders with little or no knowledge about trading, and financial markets to replicate the trades made by more seasoned traders. It introduces a new way of analysing financial data, as well as adopting techniques, and strategies. Its emergence has greatly reduced reliance on fundamental, and technical analysis, giving many novice traders that are unfamiliar with the inner workings of trading, a shortcut to making profitable trades. These traders can trade online while interacting with others, watching, and duplicating their trades while learning what informed the decision making process of these expert traders they follow, thus shortening their learning curve.

Traditional social trading is executed on highly centralized platforms; where an entity acts as a central agent, requiring users to transfer money into accounts to set up initial trading balance, such agents then carry out copy trading. The drawback to such centralized platforms is the lack of accountability for mistakes, as they are prone to single point of failure, a risk whereby an error from a single part could result in the collapse of the whole system.

Carboneum is a decentralized knowledge sharing, and learning crypto trading platform, that allows investors duplicate trade transactions of leading traders, thereby tapping into their expertise, and not struggling to start learning from scratch. Its structure makes it suitable for a follower and leader type of relationship to thrive, with followers able to choose their leaders based on expected returns and risk preference. Structured after the working principles of social trading, it is a tool that will help simplify trading decisions made by inexperienced traders, and investors who are not as educated technically, and technologically as expert traders.

Carboneum has other features apart from simplifying the complexity of crypto trading, which allows traders, and investors to operate with ease. One of such features is its safety feature, referred to as safety belts that enables the investor set an automatic stop-loss order for all trades, and it takes effect when the price reaches a certain pre-set price. The stop-loss order is a great feature, it’s the stuff of dreams for all investors, as its primary function is to minimize loss when unable to monitor your position.

It runs on a fair reward and fee mechanism, whereby a fee is paid by followers only when trades copied make a profit, such fees are then transferred to the leaders as a reward while the platform keeps a portion as revenue.

Carboneum in order to guarantee its technical viability will be developed by the team behind Thailands leading stock analytical and trading platform, StockRadars. It will also have ties with all key digital asset and cryptocurrency exchanges, making it a go-to platform that ensures seamless, and borderless experience in cryptocurrency investment for everyone.

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Author: Ojeaga Joseph ( )
Bitcointalk: Boluwatife
Bitcointalk Profile Url:;u=1398337;sa=summary

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