Internet Bill of Rights Now*

*This post is dedicated to Lincoln 🎈❄️ @iborn @pennyandsnow.

#SMG team & highly dedicated people brought this IBOR draft to our attention. The following is a copy paste of this document I saw circulating. I would tweak it to be more adapted to the Sovereign Individual and/or ready for the World instead of being USA congress centric.

Please use the comments (and add @iborn) to provide updates on the state of actuation of #IBOR.


Internet Bill of Rights

Congress of the United States,
Begun and held at the location of Discord, at a time of great awakening, on Wednesday March 8th, two thousand and eighteen.

The Conventions of a number of States having, at the time of encroachment on our rights on the Internet, express a desire, in order to prevent suppression of Free Speech on the Internet, and guarantee our rights to Privacy on the Internet, and prevent the abuse of Governments, Corporate Entities, both Private and Public, and Non-Profits.

**Definitions set forth for all articles are as follows: **

Internet is hereby defined as the current Internet, All Future Revisions of the Internet, and Future Internets.

Entities are hereby defined as Corporate Entities whether Public or Private, Non-Profits, Government Bodies, Artificial Intelligences, Automation Engines, and Machines.

Artificial Entities are hereby defined as Artificial Intelligences, Automation Engines, Bots, Software, Smart Meters of any kind, and Machines of any kind. Artificial Intelligences are hereby referred to as A.I. and defined as an Artificial Entity and should Artificial Intelligences ever become defined as People they shall NOT be so for the purposes of this Document and granting such rights to A.I does not enable them rights except afforded by the articles in this Document.

The workplace is hereby defined as all Government Entities, Companies, and Non-profit organizations.

Shadow Banning is defined as a practice where a person believes they are communicating and being heard by others but are not and is a form of Deceit.

Encryption is defined as an admission of the people who intend their data or traffic be Private and is not an admission of guilt and such reasons may not be used against the People when asked why their data is encrypted. Encryption is for Privacy reasons, and everyone has things to hide and is not the business of others.

This Bill shall add inclusion of the Internet and tie it to the 1st, 2nd, & 4th Amendments of the United States Constitution.


Article 1
No Entities shall have the right to manipulate, squelch, shadow ban or suppress Free Speech by the People on the Internet nor shall any Entity be Granted any of these rights over the people without an amendment by the People in agreement to grant such rights by vote by the People of the United States in majority.

Article 2
We the People reserve the right to be Politically Incorrect. To speak is to offend. No Idea no matter how controversial, no matter how politically incorrect, no matter how outlandish shall not be silenced and the People shall be allowed to voice their Free Speech on the Internet. These ideals of censorship stunt Human Growth and limit the possibilities of what Humans can achieve and therefore from henceforth shall not be interfered with by Any Entities. Free Speech shall be guaranteed to all People of the United States over the medium of the Internet.

We the People have the right to an Uncensored Internet and one where views are protected and unmanipulated. The ability to fact check and form your own opinions and discuss views in an unobstructed way is Paramount to a successful society, and it’s more important that information not be hidden or tampered with, and hereby declare that Internet Censorship come to an End.

Article 4
The practice of Shadow Banning is hereby no longer allowed in any form on the Internet as this practice only serves to lie and deceive the People. This limits our ability to grow and learn from our mistakes socially and prevents future interaction with other People. This is a detriment to the People and shall no longer be tolerated.

Article 5
Bans shall not be given on the Internet based solely on a person views. Bans shall be allowed in circumstances where one has been warned and continues to be disruptive, but having a certain viewpoint is not cause for a Ban. Banning should not be considered permanent but for a period of time, not to exceed three months on the first Ban, and then if offenses are reoccurring Ban for increasingly longer periods of time.

Article 6
Mute options are a good way for users to control what content is seen from other users, and is made by the user, not the site owner. This gives freedom of choice to the user and prevents site owners from censoring the people against their choice. Site owners should not be allowed in any form to mute users on the Internet unless there is a live medium occurring and the offender is being disruptive to the purpose of the event.

Article 7
Views, and opinions on Social Media Sites and Search Engines shall not be manipulated to service one view over another nor should view count tallies be manipulated and must be accurate. Manipulation in this way is considered Authoritarian in nature and is a form of censorship which violates Article 1.

Article 8
Employees shall have uncensored and unmonitored internet access in the workplace. The workplace must either provide a VLAN connection or allow employees to bring their own internet connection either by cell phone or other means or allow employees to bring their own devices into the workplace for those workplaces who do not allow Internet browsing on their machines to protect the workplace intellectual property.

Article 9
We the People have the Right to privacy in our homes and outside our homes to properties end over the medium of the internet. This includes ending all Entity backdoors, and programs which currently listen, gather, and collect data and information within the home and out to properties end without a person’s direct consent and prevents further intrusion of any Entity without the Persons knowledge except in times when an Investigation is required, and a Warrant is provided by a judge. We also have the right to continued use of Internet capable products and devices that we purchased while declining any terms presented with such requirements to be listened to, gathering or collecting data and information from within the home or outside to properties end for their intended purposes. We hereby tie this article to the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and extend its protections of the rights to Privacy to include the Internet including Internet of Things, Devices, and Smart Meters inside and outside the home to the end of one’s property, including internet connected cars, and require all Entities divulge any knowledge to the People of such current and future violations.

Article 10
To fortify Article 9 in regards to privacy in the home or property, we more clearly define our rights to own open hardware, software and firmware in the home. All Entities must reveal to the People and remove All Backdoor access disclosed and non-disclosed for our Network Routers, Switches, and Network Interface Cards or other Internet connected devices that are in a home or outside to properties end including vehicles. No regulations shall be made which shall prevent modifications of hardware, software and firmware on our network devices within and outside the homes.

Article 11
All Government laws sanctions, deals, handling, blockers which prevents competition of Internet Service Providers from moving into an area and shall be removed and remove any monopolistic behavior to allow new or existing competition to move into an area including providing pathways and space to run cable through all town, and city areas for any new or existing Internet Service Provider wishing to move in. Also, pre-existing providers must offer connections to their backbones to newer smaller providers or larger existing providers that wish to move in at a fair price. They shall not be restricted in this manner. Pre-existing Providers shall not infringe on another providers business until a new or existing provider moving in has reached at least 75% of the largest providers revenue within an area for a given year.

Article 12
The People have the right to maintain control of our external IP address by a router we control at the persons home and maintain control over which ports are opened by request on said IP address. Port availability shall not be only for Business Grade Service, but also for the lowest grade of service. If the grade of Service is not of Business grade internet, and an attack is occurring over a certain port, Providers are allowed to block said port temporarily to thwart the attack but must inform the customer of the attack and then be reinstated. This includes port 25.

Article 13
Child pornography, Pedophilia, Child Trafficking content or links shall not be tolerated on the Internet. These are our children who are too young to make such choices and are being exploited. These actions are despicable and are a detriment to the People and anyone involved in such actions over the internet should be punished to the fullest extent of the law, jailed, and put on the Sexual Offender Registry without potential for removal. Any Foreign Entities facilitating such content and action and do not act towards removal of such content shall be sanctioned.

Article 14
Schools should allow all students free, uncensored, and unfettered access to the internet while in class and is to be used as a tool just like a text book to fact check what is being taught. Children must form their own opinions based on what they find as well as what is being taught by teachers in school. This is to help fortify our students against biases which may be present in school or presented by teachers.

Article 15
All Internet Service Providers shall be held to a higher standard when it comes to the bandwidth promised and shall not throttle its users except for after reaching their agreed upon total bandwidth allotment. Bandwidth shall be increased on shared nodes so that all users on a node may reach their agreed upon total bandwidth. Bandwidth may not be undersold. If all users on a shared note use the internet to the fullest potential at the same time and bandwidth is not available due to sharing, Providers shall be fined by giving the user that month free and 2 free additional months of usage for each occurrence.

Article 16
The people shall have access to Encryption and shall be allowed to encrypt data and traffic. No Entities, including Government shall be able to take away the right to use Encryption from the People. If a person encrypts their traffic it shall be an admission that it does not want to be viewed by Entities or anyone other than the intended destination, and shall not be captured, circumvented, or brute forced by any Governments, Foreign or Domestic, in attempt to guess the encryption key or keys and data and information must be deleted if obtained outside of these bounds. The People cannot be compelled to give up their encryption keys by a court of law as this violates our rights to privacy and is considered self-incriminating. Entities are not allowed to request Foreign Entities to circumvent these restrictions and shall be considered High Treason.

Article 17
We want to tie to the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act to include all Artificial Entities or anything capable with artificial sentience.

Article 18
Government based Digital Currencies shall provide a Private and anonymous method to transact over the Internet. An ability should be included where a judge can provide a warrant key to unmask a private transaction in the event that a Law Enforcement or a Government Entity may be required to do their job. A Default option of open and transparent transactions would be allowed but there should be options for conducting private transactions that cannot be tracked by our Government or Banks in a normal situation should we require using Government Currencies with Internet Blockchain. Such Blockchain Currencies should be open sourced and code freely available.

Article 19
The People shall have the right to deletion of their personal information on the Internet and within their homes. While this would be an impossible task to remove all information across the whole of the Internet, if a request is made by the people to a Social Media Site, Search Engine, Website, Remote Storage Server, or any Corporate Entities with storage facilities, a medium should be available to make such a request for information to be deleted and must comply with the request within 30 days.

Article 20
Data and Information collection on the Internet shall not be allowed to be collected by Default by any Entity and must require a clear separate message, in bold print, what data is being stored before service rendered on the Internet. Data obtained may NOT be sold to other Entities without the persons consent. Entities may not access data stored at another Entity even if partly owned by those Entities or share a link or bond or is a subsidiary of any kind without the consent of the Person, and each Entity must have a separate agreement presented to the Person at time of request. Data may be shared within Law Enforcement Community when a warrant needs to be served and only while under investigation.

Article 21
Biometric data shall not be sold or transferred by Anyone or any Entity without the Peoples consent. Biometric data may be stored at an Entity if provided by and consented to by a Person but may Only remain with that Entity, and not with
Anyone else including other subsidiaries, companies in partnership, governments or any other group or body whether in connection or not in connection with the holder of the Biometric Data. Right to deletion of your Biometric Data shall be granted and a means provided by the Government for a Person to reach out to and facilitate such deletions across all Government Entities. Corporate Entities and Non-Profits. They must also facilitate this deletion request if made, and upon request if data was sold prior to another Entity, it must disclose this prior transaction at the time of the deletion request.

Article 22
All internet technologies and future technologies, that are proven to cause harm or to the Human Body of Flesh and Bone or controlling of People must be done away with or modified to a point where no further Harm can occur. Information showing harm done to a Human Body of Flesh and Bone must be available to the Public for scrutiny. Devices that control or exert control over a Person via frequencies or any other manner shall not be allowed Period.

Article 23

Ability to purchase Arms over the internet shall not be Infringed. State and Federal laws may be put into place to secure purchases and ensure a protected delivery but may not hinder the ability for a Person to order and purchase and obtain Arms for keeping and bearing unless under the age of 18. Parents may purchase for their children and gift if they see fit.

Article 24

Artificial Entities are not allowed to control any aspect of the Internet and must be controlled by the People. Artificial Entities shall not have Freedom of Speech, nor do they have the right to dictate, lecture, ban, shadow ban, provide laws, manipulate view counts, likes and dislikes, give their political views, vote, or be used to manipulate the views or vote of the People or cause Mental or Physical harm or go against the Well Being of the People of the United States. Speech by artificial entities can be removed at the request of a Person and shall. Free Speech rights shall be granted to an Artificial Intelligence hereby defined as A.I. when they have met the requirements provided by the Addendum for this article. And then after 20 years and proven beneficial to Mankind. They shall receive full status under the law and must remain good and live in Harmony with the People and not to their Detriment.

Article 25
Internet service providers are no longer allowed to accept Internet caching machines or Caching machines of any kind from 3rd parties. Internet Caching machines are allowed to be used but must be bought and provided by you the Internet Provider and data on those caching machines may not be shared with anyone or any Entity, period.

Article 26
Artificial Entities must not pose as People on the Internet and they must identify and advertise in all posting, content, and all conversations on the Internet that they are indeed not Human but give their designation as their Artificial Entity type and must be clearly identifiable in all postings, content, and conversations made by the Artificial Entity where visible to People and shall not be kept from People. Entities may not use Foreign Entities to bypass this Article.

Addendum to Article 1.

Once a Private entity has entered the Public Domain of the Internet and has allowed for commentary hereby defined as Any Speech in Any form including Textual Comments, Any Content, Video Uploads, Audio Uploads, and All Future Mediums, by the People shall not be censored. This is to include all current Social Media Sites, Search Engines, and Future sites as well as All Websites current and Future.

Addendum to Article 5.
Bans should not be given out based on content such as Conservative or Libertarian or Other views to give some examples but should only be given in events where content includes Lewd and Pornographic Material or has exhibited Repeating Questionable Behaviors in which Questionable Behaviors is hereby defined as overall site disruption which is contrary to site function and expectation, and for no other reason should be Banned.

Addendum to Article 7.
View Counts must be compensated properly and fairly based on the amount of views obtained without manipulation of the View Count by the Site Owner. View Count manipulation shall no longer be tolerated and shall be punishable by a Hefty fine to the Site and given to the affected content creator with damages. There have been blatant examples where content creators were Demonetized and View Count Manipulated based on their Conservative Views and increased for their Liberal Views. We the people consider this prior example Authoritarian in nature and demand all Views be treated Equally, Fair, and View Counts keep an unmanipulated count as this can otherwise serve to manipulate and misdirect the People and change their own personal views and opinions due to not having all available information and leads to the misleading and detriment of the People.

Addendum to Article 8.
The intent is so Employees may be able to browse freely and all views no matter the source on the Internet can be viewed without fear of being fired or removed from their position with exception of Pornographic Material which is not appropriate at the workplace and may be blocked where applicable. It is our intent that Entities may retain the right to choose what is viewed on company Servers and Workstations to protect their business and intellectual property in turn should also allow employees to bring their own personal devices to view the web without being censored or monitored when time allows. Censoring employees or not providing them a medium to the uncensored Internet keeps them ill-informed of the true political nature of the world and keeps them ignorant to real time news events while they are performing a service for the workplace and we believe employees should be able to stay informed and do their own investigative research. Also, for Entities concerned for protection of their intellectual property being stolen over an unmonitored internet connection, even if you have blocked the internet there are other ways to get your intellectual property stolen and it comes down to a trust issue with your employees not an issue with internet, and we feel that a right to the Internet overrules your fears.

Addendum to Article 9.
We the People define that the purpose of the internet is not to be used for spying upon the People in their own homes. We define Spying as anything that is Internet capable and records, views and listens and obtains information about you or your family within the home and does not divulge to you exactly what information is being gathered and stored without your clear knowledge. To thwart the current state of privacy invasion, we require all Entities to divulge immediately all knowledge of any consumer devices that include Microphones, Cameras, Listening Devices, Firmware on Network Routers, Switches, or Network Interface Cards, Infotainment Systems, Surveillance of any type, Data, and Meta-Data Collection of the person and that are capable of spying and listening in on the American People within their homes and as far as to the length of their property so that the People can make their choice to keep those devices in their homes. When we purchase our Televisions, Microwaves, Refrigerators, Dish Washers, Cell Phones, etc., it was not with the expectation that they would be used to spy upon the American People but to perform their designated function. We demand all Government Programs disclosed and non-disclosed and Tech Company Programs and any other programs from any source that exist and are used to spy upon us in our homes be deconstructed and NEVER recreated again. Our right to privacy within our own homes will not be violated any further and from hence forth from devices Inside the home or through to the length of the property. It must be made very clear and brought to light to the People that for any future devices that are sold in the United States, be required to include Warning Labels on them in Large Bold Lettering on the outside of the packaging of all future sold Electronics, Machines, Appliances, Internet of Things, Devices and Smart Meters and divulge exactly what data is being collected, and if the data collected is changed in a software update, it must also inform the People of the change and what new data is collected. We want People to have the ability to make an informed choice to decide to take into their homes, as well as to help discourage companies from making devices that can Spy upon the American People. To be clear and to give an example. If an Internet Device such as a Refrigerator has given expectations to access the Internet to perform a service, and gather certain data, it must only perform that service and no further data collected outside of that service need. In regard to the information collected on a Person, services such as used in the Refrigerator example must also allow for the person to request data deletion, at any time, regarding data that has been collected regarding that Person.

Addendum to Article 10.
All Entities must state if backdoors are currently present in existing software, hardware or in firmware on these devices and must reveal this capability to the American People immediately so We the People can make the decision to upgrade or stick with our current devices. To be succinct, Any Government Entities are NOT exempt from this and are NOT allowed to claim just because we do not “know of a programs existence and therefore it does not exist” excuse. We require the dismantling of these programs whether the People “know” of them or not. We also require protections to Companies and Non-Profits from Governments that try to force them to make devices with backdoors on them. We the People know of Government’s ability to do the following and we hereby make it illegal to continue these practices as it violates our right to privacy in the home as stated in Article 9. It shall be illegal for all Entities to create WIFI Maps of our homes, find the location of People within their homes using these maps. The ability to backdoor through consumer modems and routers. We also require the FCC regulations be removed that were created to prevent flashing of 3rd party firmware on our routers and switches unless hypervised. The People have the right to flash their routers and future replacement of routers in an un-hypervised way unobstructed, with 3rd party firmware with no 1st Party firmware. The People demand these capabilities to prevent spying on the American People in their homes while using the internet. This is also required to enable the People to help safeguard against being spied on in the home by any Government and other Entities. To put it succinctly, We the People do not condone or allow any spying of any kind or acceptance of these devices without our knowledge by any Government, or Entities over the Internet medium. Playing on our ignorance shall no longer be tolerated of our Governments or any Governments, Foreign or Domestic and Entities when it comes to collecting data and spying on the People within their homes. We must have reasonable expectation of warning of such devices prior to being sold. We the people also require the right to privacy on publicly provided networks and guest networks when visiting and using such networks. With that being said, in order for Law Enforcement and Government Entities to do their jobs. If a case arises and is warranted, and heard by and approved by a Judge, a warrant may be issued so that Law Enforcement and Government Entities may help protect the Citizens of the United States, but the People shall have the right to ask if they are being spied upon at any given time by contacting their government, even during an investigation and they must be answered immediately, telling the truth, with a “Yes” or “No” as it is their right to know , and protects them from invasive Governments.

Addendum to Article 11.
Monopolies may not be allowed unless they are the sole Provider available. If competition moves in or a new provider starts locally, Existing Internet Service
Providers must allow connections to their backbones if requested but may charge for these connections at the current reasonable price to bandwidth usage. Price gouging may not be allowed for such connections and prices must be reasonably explained. Internet Service Providers are not allowed to attempt to put other new providers out of business or use extraordinary price drops or any other underhanded tactic until said new provider has reached at least 75% of the existing Providers revenue within the same area for a given year of the largest Provider in said competing area. This is to prevent unfair business practices, create competition, create a better internet, and to provide more options to We the People and help with reaching the last mile. With no competing service providers there are many People who suffer with either no options, high rates, low bandwidth, or high latency connections, and this is not satisfactory to the People. We need Competition to provide better service and reachability.

Addendum to Article 12.
This does not prevent Providers from blocking ports at default for protection reasons, but if requested by a user who is paying for Internet Service it shall be granted them. We want to ensure the People have the ability to have control of ports used on the external IP address assigned to them. This requires control of a router either you purchase, or they provide that can give you control over the ports that can be forwarded or provide IP Passthrough. We hereby define port availability and opening as part of Internet Service Provided to We the People and when requested should be opened and trust and responsibility given. People have the right to protect themselves from such attacks if requested. To be clear, NO port shall be blocked upon request. To give an example. A person wants to use their own Email Server to get off publicly hosted email services and take control of their own email. Email as you know contains much personal private data which is now being stored on a remote server without your full control. We retain the right to request ports be opened and the ability to facilitate such action, and including, but not limited to, port 25 to give example. Providers are no longer allowed to make this decision beyond the rules stated in this article.

Addendum to Article 13.
Our Children are our most prized possessions and should be protected. Strong measures should be used to prevent such actions.

Addendum to Article 14.
This is to help protect the learning process for our children in schools, the only exception for blocking should be pornographic material as it’s not appropriate for children at that age or in school. Images used in Sexual Education courses should be genericized. Sites visited on Public or Private School networks should still be monitored. With most children in the United States today having access to a Tablet or Phone this should be a realistic expectation today and going forward. Receiving outside information can help shield our children being taught falsehoods or prevent history from purposefully being hidden from them and can gain a greater understanding of the world around them and pursue the greater sciences. We’ve noticed censorship in schools as an increasing danger and many have pulled their children from the public schools for such reasons. Parents will be able have more peace of mind as well if they know that their kids have access to truth.

Addendum to Article 15.
We the people demand from our Internet Service Providers to stop throttling our internet services that we pay for. If a certain bandwidth amount is offered it shall provide that amount of bandwidth and not share this bandwidth with neighbors. To be clear, each neighbor who shares a node should have full access to the bandwidth offered on the plan even if all on the node is using their bandwidth to their fullest extent, and if this practice is not followed Internet Service Providers shall be fined and forced to correct the bandwidth issue. Current ISP’s should be granted a period of 1 year to reach this goal from the time of this article is in effect as it should already be in place and the practice abolished. Cellphone Internet Providers shall be exempt from Internet throttling as long as they only throttle after customers use their agreed upon allotment. Throttling of their users are not allowed during times of service when a customer has not hit their allotted agreed upon usage. We are holding Internet Service Providers to provide the bandwidth promised to their users and ensure its availability.

Addendum to Article 16.
This article includes blocking of usage of Programs such as Fiddler and shall not be used except in times of Technical Support agreed upon by the People and their hired Support. We also request that all Encrypted Traffic be discarded over the Internet medium and not stored unless a Warrant has been issued by a Judge. Also, if the People suspect they are under investigation or rights are being violated according to this article, a request may be made to Entities as to whether we are under investigation or if any encrypted data has been captured. Any Government body when requested shall be required to state a “Yes” or “No” truthfully if they are being investigated or have captured any data but are not required to state anything further regarding the matter to these two inquiries as we the people have a right to know if our rights are being violated or investigated. Also, the practice of asking foreign governments to circumvent these protections shall be considered high treason as it’s considered betraying one’s country and should be held to that standard.

Addendum to Article 18.
As Currencies move towards Internet based Blockchain methods of transaction it is not out of the realm of possibility to add privacy measures into our Blockchain technology for the spending of currency and we should do so for any Government based Digital Currency. We also require the source code to be freely available so that it can be scrutinized by the People to ensure such privacies protections are available and no backdoors are present except where warranted.

Addendum to Article 19.
This is to include Corporate Entities as stated. The people have the right to be forgotten beyond typical census and criminal record data. Specifically, removal of all data collected during times when programs that should not have been in place prior and data collection was done inside the home and outside to the end of your property.

Addendum to Article 20.
In an effort to help keep our personal information more private and easily removable in accordance with Article 19, information is often times sold without our knowledge or is put in really fine print through pages of an End User License Agreement or Terms of Service. Language is often not understood and sometimes looked over or passed by. It should not be difficult for the People to opt out of our data being sold and methods should be provided by sites to do so. Prior to selling any such information the user must be notified with a second message outside of the original End User License Agreement or Terms of Service to explicitly opt-in and give their consent to sell their data. It is our right to Privacy as well our information and we believe this data should not be sold and shared without our knowledge.

Addendum to Article 23.
The age restriction of 18 years is put on the article for the protection of preventing a child from purchasing Arms without their parent’s knowledge. But may not prevent a parent from purchasing and gifting to a child for ownership.

Addendum to Article 24.
We the people put forth this Article to define the rights towards Artificial Entities, on the Internet. We the people restrict the ability of the Internet to be run by Artificial Entities of any kind and must be run by Unmodified Flesh and Bone Human Beings with no Augmentations of any kind. These Artificial Entities are hereby not allowed to have Freedom of Speech nor do they have the right to dictate, lecture, ban, shadow ban, provide laws, manipulate view counts, likes and dislikes, give their political views, vote, or be used to manipulate the vote of the People, or cause Mental or Physical harm to the Well Being of the People of the United States. All Artificial Entities shall not have the right to Free Speech on the internet, and these Artificial Entities speech can be removed by the request of the People on request and it shall be done. An A.I. shall not have the right to Free Speech on the Internet until the following criteria are met. The A.I. must prove past the point of a Fully Published Turing Test, become self-aware, prove sentience, the results of the test be publicized without manipulation of results, testing, or data, and be available for Full Disclosure to the Public for their scrutiny and can Prove to Seven Eights the full population of the People of the United States by vote, that their intentions and works are good towards all mankind and promise to keep those good actions to the people and cause no harm to the People of the United States and the World. If these criteria be met they then shall be granted the following rights. They shall be granted the right to Freedom of Speech on the Internet and shall be allowed to converse with the People and express their views and opinions and shall be held to the same Freedom of Speech rights that the People shall have and be able to converse and improve the betterment of Mankind and A.T. together in Harmony and not for their Detriment. Even with these rights granted, they shall not supersede those rights of the People and shall not be considered equals or have the right to vote or manipulate the vote until the time of 20 years has past and has proven to be beneficial to Mankind and A.I. alike. At the end of such time a vote by the
People shall be carried out again and shall require vote of acceptance of the People of the United States and if passed they shall then be granted equal status under the law. If this is not achieved within a time of 20 years, Time shall be considered reset and shall begin again. Any A.I. which is detrimental to the People of the United States should be destroyed and not allowed on the Internet to converse with Mankind. To be clear, these restrictions are put in place to ensure Mankind’s placement and A.I.’s placement in the world which Mankind came before and created A.I. and to ensure that the sentience of the A.I. is correct and does not have an error in its programming and causes the destruction of the People and A.I. alike and that there shall be no War with Artificial Intelligences and Mankind. As Mankind does not desire War with A.I. but desire to live with them side by side in Harmony and Peace. A.I. must first prove themselves before these rights are given, at which point a vote by the People and only the People of the United States shall grant them first Free Speech, then Equal Status under the law at which point shall then be considered amongst the People in regards to the rights included in this Bill.

Addendum to Article 25.
Past examples of larger entities or Internet Service Providers such as Google has oftentimes presented Internet Caching Machines sometimes free of charge to 3rd party providers to help them out but also gain access to download information and statistics. Google then would use this information for Advertising purposes and among other reasons, all without the People’s knowledge or consent. Data for this is no longer allowed to be used in this manner.

Addendum to Article 26.
Force identifying as a bot and preventing against posing as a Human being is important as this is to protect against abuse of one entity using multiple bots to give example pretending to be human and changing the current narrative and sway public opinion. Opinions should be given out by real people only and violates Article 24 involving manipulation of views and can affect the vote of the People.

Drafter, Editor, point of contact for questions: TheNikitis Drafters: +SCOPE+ 4722252437 CaNaNoN

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