I Published My 100th Article On The HubPages Writing Platform

I realize that it has been over a month since I have done anything here on the Hive writing platform. If you want to accuse me of becoming too inactive here on the Hive writing platform, I'm guilty as charged. I'm not mindless of the fact that four months is way too long of a time gap between posting one article and the next one. I've edited a few things here on my Hive-Blog channel and my PEAKD channel since then, and I guess that that is better than doing nothing at all. I recall that one of my fellow writers here on the Hive platform criticized anyone who waited over two months to publish anything here on the Hive writing platform. Nevertheless, something really important has happened to me, and I simply had to post about it here on my Hive-Blog channel and my PEAKD channel. That is, I recently published my 100th article on my HubPages channel.

It took a large amount of time to get to the point of posting my 100th article on my HubPages channel, but I made it. It explains why it has been a while since I have published anything here on my Hive-Blog channel or my PEAKD channel. In any event, I have reached a new milestone in publishing my 100th article on my HubPages channel. I even received two accolades for it from the HubPages Editor to feature on my HubPages channel profile.

No, I have not become rich from posting 100 articles on the HubPages writing platform. However, I have noticed some increase in my monetization amounts on my HubPages channel, and it makes me happy. I have also managed to pick up a significant number of subscribers on my HubPages channel because of it. I initially had 3 subscribers before publishing all those additional articles on my HubPages channel. Now I have 43 subscribers.

I'm well aware that I have a long way to go before I become one of the heavy hitters on the HubPages writing platform. I can still boast that my experience has been educational on that writing site, and I can still stand by my recommendation that other people here on the Hive writing platform also try out their writing talents on the HubPages writing platform.

So much has happened here on the Hive writing platform during my brief hiatus from it. A hater even criticized my older articles on my PEAKD channel, and he went as far as making a YouTube video about it. Uh oh. Now imagine that. I guess I'm going to have to mention a few things about him and his rhetoric in subsequent articles of mine here on my Hive-Blog channel and my PEAKD channel in the not-too-distant future.

Oh, well. I'm still happy. I may not become the next Stephen King. I may not even win a Pulitzer prize for anything I have written. However, I will still be able to pride myself that I have toughed it out on the HubPages writing platform, and I have reached a goal that I set for myself a while back.

I know that I have promised that I would be publishing another controversial article here on the Hive writing platform as soon as possible. The above-described hater's actions against me have only encouraged me to do so sooner than I had planned, and I will do so in a much more aggressive manner than before. In the meantime, please be patient. Those types of articles usually require me to do a substantial amount of research despite that the above-described hater may believe otherwise. I am sure that he is also waiting for me to post a controversial article here on the Hive writing platform, although his reasons for doing so may not be honorable.

I also understand that all of you may not even be interested in branching out your literary talents to the HubPages writing platform. For those of you who are interested in doing so, at least I can attest that I have provided you with valuable information on how to do so in previous articles of mine here on the Hive writing platform. If I can get a significant number of you interested in joining the HubPages writing platform and reaping the excellent rewards they give you for utilizing your writing skills there, I will feel that I have accomplished yet another milestone. It is a journey that you will not regret.

Meanwhile, I will be attempting to drive traffic to my 100 HubPages articles, because I have known of people to earn as much as $3,800 a month on that writing platform. I wish to be one of those people. If you don't believe that anyone can earn that kind of money from the HubPages writing platform, then read Aurelio Locsin's article titled "The Highest-Paid Hubbers Make $650 to $3,800 per Month: Learning from their Stats - Part 2, Conclusions." You will be astonished of how rewarding these *Hubbers' journeys have been on the HubPages writing platform. (*Note - a Hubber is a member of the HubPages writing platform.)

Don't get me wrong. You can make a boatload of money by posting articles here on the Hive writing platform. However, one advantage that the HubPages writing platform has over both the Hive writing platform and the Steem writing blockchain is that any article you publish on HubPages continues to earn you money indefinitely. Are you liking the thought of that already? I thought so. 😄

If you plan on becoming a Hubber yourself, let me know about it in my comments section below. I always like to bring talented writers over to the HubPages writing platform. At the same time, do keep on posting here on the Hive writing platform. Unlike other writing platforms, there is no censorship here on the Hive platform, at least not at a noticeable level; and that benefit is important.

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