Vacuum Sealing Day!


I’m preparing some emergency food for long-term storage. Not for the end of the world as we know it, as the doomsdayers would have said. Having a large food storage is the only responsible thing to do, and vacuum sealing is a great general food preservation skill to have.

Using shelf stable dry foods and vacuum sealing it will protect the food for many years, if stored correctly.

This gives a great peace of mind, especially if living a bit more rural and remote.

Power goes out in the region and stores cannot sell goods? You got food.

Temporary unrest and food shortages? You got food.

Snowed in for a week? You got food.

You get it. You got food.

This is one of the cheapest and most simple ways of having food at hand at all times.

Using Mason-style canning jars is a good idea. They have many attachments and addons. Such as this cheap sealing attachment and vacuum pump.


First. Always sterilize the jars, lids and ring by boiling them thoroughly. And as they will contain very dry foods, make sure to leave the jars to dry completely before proceeding. Letting the dry a day or two upside down on clean pot holders and oven grates works great for me.


Fill the jars completely with the dry goods. I’ve chose white rice and dry pasta. Wipe down the rim of the jars to make sure it will seal tight. Place a canning lid on the jar, without the metal bands. Place the sealing attachment to the jar, and the pump on the sealing attachment. Pump out the air. Carefully remove the sealing attachment, leaving the canning lid firmly sealing the jar using vacuum.

Label the jars with the sealing date. I also write down the cooking time of the rice or pasta on the label. Labeling can be done much prettier than I have done. But it works and that’s the main issue.


Done! Now I have almost 6 liters of pasta and 6 liters of rice at the ready. Simply store in a dark place at no warmer than room temperature. Preferably a slightly cool pantry.

Stay frosty!

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