Humid, Rainy Day - July 31, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

Rabbit crop July 2024.jpg

One of all too many rabbits in the yard

On Wednesday morning I was up at 5AM and got the photos edited, post written and up. Then I worked on the checkbook for a while before going out to clean up the kitchen. At 7AM it wasn’t raining, so I went out and harvested a big bowl of green beans.

They should have been harvested on Sunday, but oh, well… There weren’t too many that had gotten too big. I had thought to work on them after errands, but it was so humid I decided to get it over with. The rain continued off and on all day.

Green beans - another harvest crop July 2024.jpg

So when my general helper arrived at 8AM, we set up to do beans and started washing them. We got them processed and she put them in boxes while I started on the last of the sugar pod peas. I had stuck them in cold water in the fridge last Thursday and they had kept amazingly well.

Sugar pods - last harvest crop July 2024.jpg

I got enough for a meal. We processed them and put them in the fridge for supper. I got the kitchen mostly cleaned up while she ran the beans down to the freezer.

Then we headed out to do errands, but it turns out Wednesday is the only day the store we were heading to is closed. Just my luck…

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So she had an hour left and I decided to finally repair the Christmas ornament that had been sitting on my kitchen counter since I bought it in April 2023.

One of the figures needed adjusted, a leg needed glued back on, and we had to do something about the vanes that kept falling out of the top. With the help of a hand drill and toothpicks and lots of glue, we got it repaired very nicely.

We finished a little after her leaving time after cleaning up. I’d had the AC going in the office which is why we opted to work in there. It was so humid, I didn’t go for a nap, just stayed put.

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The last July evening as storms move out

I was in bed early. On Thursday my #2 intern is coming at 8AM and I’m planning to get a lot of work done in the office where it will be cool and less humid.

I have a lot of boxes of books that need to be gone through and taken out of inventory. So we will be tackling that project that’s been stalled for over a year.

At noon she leaves and my helper friend arrives for his first shift since December 7, 2023. We will stay in the office and he will start cleaning the books in the bookcase until he can’t stand it anymore (it’s a big bookcase). Then he and I will work on the book boxes for the rest of the afternoon as his shift runs until 5PM.

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