Finishing Onions and a Garden Tour - September 13, 2019 @goldenoakfarm

Bowl of Wallas crop September 2019.jpg

I’d planned to put 40 cups of chopped Wallas in the freezer and fill at least one ½ gallon jar with dehydrated onions. On Thursday I got 30 cups chopped and 1 dehydrator filled. So Friday I was determined to finish them.

I went out and got a smaller bowl of ones with the green tops.

Dehydrator - last 2 onion trays crop September 2019.jpg

I again took dehydrator duty while my helper friend chopped. Once he finished that, he came and helped with the dehydrators. Those are the last 2 trays for the 2nd dehydrator. That should fill the jar, maybe with some extra.

Wallas - chopping greens crop September 2019.jpg

My helper friend had left and I started the onion greens. These are packaged in ½ cup bags. I got 16 of them. So food preservation for people is done when I empty the dehydrator on Saturday morning.

Anne raspberry still fruiting crop September 2019.jpg

The Anne raspberry is still going great guns. I am surprised the chipmunk hasn’t gotten them all, now the hole is filled in…

Big garden - azalea crop September 2019.jpg

In the Big garden it looks like the azalea is doing fine. The quince (not pictured) might just survive.

Big garden - calendula crop September 2019.jpg

The calendula growing near it took a beating when we were working there, but has come back nicely. I need to start dehydrating the flowers for the layers.

Big garden - chamomile crop September 2019.jpg

I don’t remember transplanting this chamomile from a garden, but I must have. It’s doing well. More dehydrator fodder.

Big garden - nasturtium crop September 2019.jpg

The volunteer nasturtium is also doing well, another candidate for the dehydrator.

Magnolia - buds crop September 2019.jpg

As I left the Big garden and walked under the saucer magnolia, I noticed it had big buds on it. Unusual for this time of year…

New Herb - Row 2, borage crop September 2019.jpg
New Herb garden, Row 2, borage

The borage has gone crazy in the New Herb garden. I need to get out there and rein in some of these take-over-the-world plants.

New Herb - Row 3, spotted bee balm crop September 2019.jpg
New Herb garden, Row 3, spotted bee balm

This is the tiny plant I bought at the Old Sturbridge sale in May. The name was intriguing. It doesn’t much look like the other bee balms…

New Herb - Row 3. lemon verbena crop September 2019.jpg
New Herb garden, Row 3, lemon verbena

Much to my delight, the lemon verbena has again done excellently. I need to dehydrate a bunch of this before it gets much colder…

New Herb - Row 5, pineapple sage with bee crop September 2019.jpg
New Herb garden, Row 5, pineapple sage with dew and a bee

New Herb - Row 5, pineapple sage crop September 2019.jpg
New Herb garden, Row 5, pineapple sage

You’d never know it but just a couple weeks ago, my helper friend savagely hacked this pineapple sage back into its boundaries.

New Herb - Row 5, sage crop September 2019.jpg
New Herb garden, Row 5, sage

Next to the pineapple sage, the sage has come back well from the pruning we gave it a couple weeks back. I should have sage leaves into January, if last year is any indication.

Mostly things are winding down in the gardens, or there’s so many weeds I can’t find them. Now the food preservation is done, I hope to resume tackling the gardens.

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