The New Blockchain Game Arriving With A Baked In Fan Base Of Millions. Doctor Who.


So over the past three years or so I've become more and more attached to block chain gaming. For the most part I'm not what one would call a "gamer". I don't own the latest console or get into the world of discord chats while playing in communities. My most recent gaming console is a Nintendo that I own so I can still play Duck Hunt and Zelda when nostalgia and mood take me.

However as I've been involved in crypto for so many years, I began to slowly get into different games in the block chain space and today enjoy many different games from Hash Rush to EOS knights, Spells Of Genesis, Gods Unchained, etc. But the one thing I kept noticing is there's a continual lack of simplicity with games in the block chain space. Every game feels a bit like... a game with a block chain attached to it/dragged behind it, rather than a game with a block chain in the background that you don't notice from sign up to full game play. There's complexities like keys to play with and a general feeling of clunky. Though Gods Unchained did an ok job minimising this a bit, it was still noticeable. However I managed recently to get my foot in with the alpha sale for a new game that's to be released soon so lets get into it.

Doctor Who Worlds Apart.


I think one of the things that jumped out to me with this game is the fact it's rolling in with mainstream endorsement (BBC), as well as a global fan base. I know people from all over the world who love this delightfully cheesy long running series. So it's rolling in with advertising and potential community in the bag is a massive plus and attractive from an investment standpoint. Added to which sign up is easy, and it will be a free to play model. So not a penny required to advance in the game. Reality Gaming Group who are working with the BBC on this have a pretty good track record as well which is encouraging.

So when I received the email to the Alpha sale ages ago I grabbed a few cards and I've been picking them up since. I've been aiming at the mid range priced packs and had some reasonable luck so far with my purchases. I think what I find fun is the diversity this game will be bringing to the crypto gaming community. There will be a market place, there are loads of different frames to to loads of different cards, etc.


But what is cool is the fact that the cards played will have stats, and a history of how they were played making them unique. So having two of the same cards, but one with more loses than wins and more or less experience points will directly impact the value and standing of the card. In short they are the same card, but two different cards. Two separate NFT's basically. This struck me as fun and a great way to add more incentive for players to win. The mechanics get a bit more complicated from there though so here's a link to the website and details for those who are interested.

At the moment we are looking at release of the game in the first quarter of 2021. It will be an alpha release, but for those who enjoy NFT games in this space it's certainly worth a look. So far I've managed after a modest investment to gain some pretty cool cards. A few legendary and epics with cool frames. Below are some of the legendary cards I've managed to score.



All in all I've got 75 cards in the game ready to roll for the release. If they keep loosely around the roadmap we should be seeing a mobile app roll out once the game exits Alpha release. Having said all this my optimism around the release and the NFT's in the game having value is tempered with realism. I haven't sunk a huge fortune into the game (few hundred), and by no means am I buying the hype around any game... including one rolling in with a global fan base and potentially on a better footing than any NFT game released in the space as of yet. The day I start getting get rich ideas or that I can retire from assets in a game.... well... I'm booking a scan. I don't buy hype. However if I net some hours of enjoyment out of what I've purchased then it's a win. If I net hours of enjoyment, and a profit then it's a win win.

Well guys this was a quick post to spread the word around what could be a big game in the block chain space. Who knows? Could be the biggest yet. Time will tell. If you made it this far thanks for reading and best of luck with all your posts and projects. As always looking forward to checking them out. :)

Image credits
reality Gaming studio

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