Living Vicariously Through My Hive Feed ('Fest Memories)

I’m sitting here on my laptop this morning thoroughly enjoying all of the HiveFest posts coming across my feed. As I read these posts and see the pictures I can’t help but reminisce about my own experiences with ‘Fests 1 and 2 in Amsterdam (‘16) and Portugal (‘17).


The funny thing about life is when you’re on a roll, in the midst of a period of life where things are going amazingly well, it’s easy to think it'll last forever. I think this flaw in human nature makes us enjoy those good times a little less. Undoubtedly, those years of 2016 and 2017 were the best two years of my life to date. So many things that occurred in those two years pushed me completely out of my comfort zone into realms I could only dream of. I’m not sad that they’ve passed as much as I am just very grateful that I got to experience them in the first place. I feel blessed really, and I always will.


There is nothing on Earth quite like the convergence of ideas, values, and beliefs that is HiveFest. The camaraderie experienced in those handful of days is strong enough to build bonds of friendship for life. This is no exaggeration. Events like this change us in surprising ways. This was certainly true in my case.


For those of you who are attending your very first HiveFest, as amazing as the food, the destination, and the events are, it’s going to be the people you remember most.


Savor each and every moment making memories with the people you meet in Split over the next few days.


Don't worry about sleep, or how you look, or the weather, just be free and experience all that HiveFest has to offer. Life moves at such a fast and unpredictable pace and we never know how things are going to change. So breathe, have the time of your lives, and make memories vivid enough to carry with you for the rest of your days.

~Eric Vance Walton~

Be well and make the most of this day. Thank you for reading!

(Photos are original.)

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