5 tips for beginners on Hive

Sometimes I read posts by new Hivers complaining about the difficulty to get attention, upvotes, rehives and comments on Hive. I also think that the start here is difficult.
But there is a remedy, no shortcut, but a kind of "algorithm" how to succeed and that is ACTIVITY.

When starting here (and not being immediately followed by a person who recommended Hive to you) you may have zero followers. Thus, your posts are read by nobody. How do you get attention and coverage? I would suggest these approaches:

  • Interact with the community, e.g. by commenting on others‘ posts, following and upvoting others.
  • Before writing comments, I'd recommend to read the post thoroughly and answer with reasonable words (no spamming) and be kind (this is not Facebook).
  • Tell nyHers (not-yet-Hivers) of this great ecosystem and community. People who come to Hive by your recommendation will probably follow you and you'll already have a small community.
  • Join communities (https://peakd.com/communities) you are interested in and to which you can bring content and value with your posts.
  • Use suitable tags (topics) for your posts so that readers will find your post easily.


In my opinion, commenting is the most important tool. Because by commenting you catch attention and you can contact people with similar interests as your own. And by commenting you not only make yourself visible to others, but you bring value to this ecosystem (the value of social media networks is proportional to number of users and ultimately activity, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metcalfe's_law).

An additional note: If you believe that Hive is the medium of the future (I do think that), holding and powering up earned Hives for the long term could prove to be beneficial (no investment advice).

When starting on Hive, perseverance is needed to succeed here. But the longer you are on Hive and the better you are connected, the more all your activity will feel like play.

Have fun!

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