More Hivers, less minnows

Since this account last posted over a month ago the number of minnows has dropped a little. We have seen some we support graduate, but others must be powering down. We have been stuck around 8500 for a while now.

Chart from @arcange

Meanwhile Hive has thousands of new accounts who have joined to play @splinterlands. Unfortunately a lot of those are unlikely to get into the social side, but with such numbers we ought to gain a significant number who will blog and comment, even if it is only about the game.

If we want people to stick around we need to give them some support, but they should have to earn it will good content and engaging comments. A lot of the big accounts will do well regardless of what they post and will not suffer if they get less votes, so why not support some of the smaller fish instead? It will mean a lot more to them when they make an extra dollar.

If you are a new Hive user then a lot of the pressure is on you to build a following if you want to succeed. By all means make use of the various schemes that will give you extra tokens or votes, but it is humans who will make the experience fun. Find those who share your interests and comment on their posts. Join communities that are about actual topics you enjoy rather than fighting for votes in a general one. It will make your Hive experience far more enjoyable and make you want to keep coming back.

Hive is made of people.

Hive five!

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