Happy Father's Day in Pictures

Instead of the usual daily updates, I'm sharing some pictures of how my Father's Day went today.

It started of pretty cool, with some amazing gifts from my kids.
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My daughter gets bonus points for the turtle painting, and my sons cap will be worn on several occasions this week.

Next was a trip to Sidewalk Cafe 't Vat, to watch the first match of the Netherlands (Holland) at the European Championships.

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It's wasn't the best of starts, but a win is a win and next Friday, the main challenge of the Group Stage (France) awaits.

We couldn't stay the whole match, because the family was waiting for us a local dim sum spot. As cousins we decided to group together and create a new family tradition with Father's Day a couple of years ago, relieving a little bit of pressure and not have everything family related into an already jam-packed December. It also happens to be good reason to meet up.

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My son had a Siu Mai battle with his uncle and we successfully tried some new things on the menu.

I'm skipping a couple of photos after this one as, 1) I didn't take any pictures at the movies and the second food experience of the day and 2) I do have video, but I still have to edit it into a mini TikTok vlog somewhere this week.

We ended up in the Essed Stadium for a Suriname Major League match between Flora and League leaders Transvaal. There were a lot of missed chances (from both sides), but we still got to see 3 nice goals.

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There was another match after this one which I did want to see, but at this point, the kids were already on reserve energy being out for the whole day.

All in all, it was a great Father's Day.

Today, I went 10 out of 16. At least, I plan to end at 10.

And what that meant? Maybe, I'll share it tomorrow.
Or tomorrow will be a totally different freewrite. Who knows.


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