An hour has 60 minutes

It's always fun to have fun, until the fun runs out...

Today was a quote worthy day. Last October, during the Social Media Conference Suriname, I made a commitment to return to post regularly on Social Media. To be honest, I had been away or not fully focused for a couple of year. For me personally, Covid had taken it's toll, mainly mentally. Not the lockdowns, the precautions and everything that actually related to getting covid, but actually the divide it created between people and communities.

So, it took awhile to get back, and I mainly focused on Facebook, as it is considered the main Social Media platform within Suriname. To be honest, if you make a list of toxic Social Media platforms, Facebook would be pretty high up on that list. On the other hand, it is really beautiful to see that when used well, it can also lead to great and positive moments and stories. And it can also lead to creativity. One of them being quality memes.


Today's meme is been brought to you by Richenel Piemoe, a Surinamese cartoonist and creator, who 'unintentionally' memefied himself, trying to show how silly some quotes look. My favorite out of all his meme-quote was the displayed here, literally translated:

"An hour has 60 minutes"

Funnily enough, the 'quote' perfectly illustrated my current unwillingness to accept that an hour has 60 minutes and not 70, 90 or 100. My next job is to accept that a day has 24 hours :).

Today, I went 11 out of 20. Which is pretty impressive considering 1 goal on my list took 6 hours to complete today.

And what that meant? Maybe, I'll share it tomorrow.
Or tomorrow will be a totally different freewrite. Who knows.


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