Teaching about HIVE to over 100 college students!!

Hey! This post will be written from my POV.

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I'm liuke, you may know me from @hashkings or @hivekings between other projects i have been doing with my amazing team partners in the last years, i'm just so happy to tell you guys about a conferenced i was invited to a college to talk about crypto, web 3.0, blockchain and of course about HIVE!

But let's start first thank @misticogama and all the staff from the Instituo Técnologico Nacional De México for for such a beautiful opportunity to share a moment of growth and teaching about blockchain with the students. Armando (aka @misticogama) invited me not more than a week ago cause he has been following our development here in HIVE and he's always so kind telling us how much he likes what we do, and of course i said YES to it!

About The College

The Instituto Técnologico Nacional De México is a educational entity focused on Offer quality technological higher education services, with national, pertinent and equitable coverage, which contributes to the formation of a fair and humane society, with a perspective of sustainability.

Located on Ciudad de México and we can see their website through this link

The Presentation

You can see the complete presentation here:

Is a big pleasure for me to have done my first ever presentation talking about something i love which is blockchain and HIVE, honestly i was really nervous and even more when the room was completely full with more than 100 attendees and despite of being just one hour of presentation i felt it like just 15 minutes. Was really a precious moment for me and i will ever be grateful with HIVE and my community for gifting me these moments.

The presentation started with a brief explanation about what's a crypto and blockchain, i usually use simple metaphors to explain hard concepts like blockchain, we learned what makes a blockchain something uself for the humans and what features are required in a blockchain to be useful which is for example scalability, decentralisation. development accessibility and aestethics

i gave examples for each case, again using metaphors like "could you imagine going to the grocery store and having to pay hundreds of dollars on fees to pay an apple?* or ¿having to wait hours for the TX to be completed? - "Well that's not scalability, lol"

We jumped on the Fungible tokens and the famous NFTs (using bored apes yatch club as example) and then was time for HIVE! I explained how good is HIVE blockchain on each of these aspects that make a blockchain useful, gave them a tour over PEAKD showing them the magic of social network that gives you the opportunity to own your content and earn. We also showed its potential with our projects like HIVEKINGS and HASHKINGS, including the future collaboration we're gonna have with @wildesunglasses connecting existing industries like clothing with NFTs to empower the reality, also about our games and how is possible with the NFTs and tokens earn money by owning the assets in-game.

I ended the presentation before the question, with a message from a young guy to more young guys on this wild world and was in simple words:

Never stop growing, if you have the chance to be a better person in any sense today, do it. Step by step you will get there and there's nothing better than failure to learn new things.

The questions were amazing, and the teacher made a little contest for the students to see if they were paying attention to the conference making 3 questions with prizes and all of them answered correctly, i was so happy and proud of the guys.

Definitely is an experience i want to repeat holding proudly the standart of HIVE on my chest and help more people in learning about new technologies.

I offered personal help to the attendees to onboard them on HIVE, which is what i want specifically cause these guys are pure talent! All our devs in HK started from zero with HIVE so i always see an opportunity to bring more talent to the blockchain on students.

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¿ How to support HIVEKINGS?

Participating in any of our products including our games on @hashkings and voting for our HIVE witness which is also called @hashkings, that would be enough for us and if you can upvote and share is also appreciated, thanks so much again HIVE.

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