Glomar Towards Dystopia

" " \"E9B70687-9A66-495F-AF53-249BB7BA6BE4.png\""" The Origin of GLOMAR

Do You know what Glomar means? Well, I didn't until yesterday. That's when the newsletter of Targeted Justice landed in my inbox. It was pertaining a law suit filed on behalf of targeted individuals. You may ask "Targeted for what?" and the answer would burst the space provided here. It is my understanding that Hive likes short posts. Like e(x)twitter. Correct me if I am wrong, but looking through the offerings, one can certainly get that impression. Anyways, "Targeted Justice" is an organization that seeks justice for targeted individuals. Targeted by the "machine", if You will. Or, to use a George Orwell alias for 'government' - "Big Brother". Since 9/11, said Big Brother has assumed the role of an all controlling parent. Formerly known as "Uncle Sam", the uncle was retired and made room for an abusive bigger brother. There is much to say about this nomer when compared to real life, to a real relationship. The destructive element here is the part, where an abusive government is equated to an older brother. In much the same way as such, the 'government' takes over a role it never had, it was never meant to have. This big brother was spying on his 'siblings', monitoring their movements, reading their mail, eavesdropping on their conversations, and with progressing decay of what goes as "civil liberties", came physical abuse. Harassment, warrantless searches, illegal detention, torture and murder. Only depending on the assumptions of unelected bureaucrats working for big brother and their agents in what is called "intelligence" and "national security" agencies.

It is here, that unaccountability flourished like mold in a moist and warm place. Not for no reason is this environment synonymous for decay. Rot. A from within rottening society under the thumb of a big brother that is best described as "psychopath". When this psychopathic big brother created a renaissance of secrecy, it created clandestine programs and agencies to take care of dissidents, of those "relatives" that disagreed with their big brother's actions, policies and crimes against humanity. As it became more clear by the day, that big brother was not only psychopathic, but suffered from monstrous delusions of grandeur - in a perfect example of a "split personality disorder", big brother and its various splinter personalities are chosen to own the world, to control the world. There are of course more pressing topics than constant surveillance, harassment and illegal detention without charges.

Not for Targeted Justice though. They know what a run away train of structural violence means for the population. First, of course for the pesky whistleblowers and dissidents. Followed by the disobedient ones, the sceptics and ultimately for the opportunists and collaborateurs. It is Pastor Martin Niemöller, that expressed the inevitable outcome of acquisance to big brother first, during the terrorist reign of The Original Big Brother:

"When the Nazis came for the communists, I remained silent; I was not a communist. When they locked up the social democrats, I remained silent; I was not a social democrat. When they came for the trade unionists, I did not speak out; I was not a trade unionist. When they came for the Jews, I remained silent; I wasn't a Jew. When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out."

There have been many variations of this confession and warning. The beginning and content was shuffled to transport more clearly the message to a wider audience. It could easily be changed into:

First, Big Brother came for the Communists, but I didn't speak out; because I was not a Communist. Then, Big Brother came for the Whistleblowers, but I remained silent; because I was not a Whistleblower. Then, Big Brother came for the Publishers, but I didn't speak out; because I was not a Publisher. Then, Big Brother came for the Journalists, but I remained silent; because I was not a Journalist. Then, Big Brother came for me, but there was nobody left to stand up for me; because there were no more Whistleblowers, Publishers and Journalists to write about me.

You are probably able to come up with Your own version. The important part though has to be, that it is understood that there can never be a happy ending with a psychopathic big brother in control of the family - in control of society. Therefor, I like to link to the lawsuit filed on behalf of those individuals that make up Targeted Justice- the people that have already experienced suffering, pain and hardship by the hands of big brother's willful agents, stooges, henchmen and peddlers. When You will read through the Second Amended Complaint, You will become aware that there is practically already nobody left to stand up and speak out for You - if not for a few brave human beings that have taken on the epic fight of David versus big brother Goliath. Here is the complaint against some of the heads of the hydra called 'government'. The sheer scope of crimes against humanity perpetrated by unelected officials and agents of a 'government' "that would never do any of those things" in the eyes of an unsuspecting and worse, gullible and willfully ignorant population, would have the same population screaming if these crimes were perpetrated by another country, like, let's say "Iran". Or "Syria", or the "Russian Federation". Or "China". Of course that has been happening already for the longest time. Ironically, the segment of the population with the greatest display of hypocrisy in this regard - is also the same segment that swallows fake pandemics with all its evil demands hook, line and sinker. There has to be some sort of a law at work. It could be Murphy's - if it wouldn't be so destructive, so totalitarian and outright fascist, considering the collusion of corporate powers with big brother.

There is another aspect to all of this that crossed my mind this week: With all these New World Order/Great Reset/WHO/Global 'government' agendas - what will become of the militaries of countries that are still shooting at each other right now? What will all those 'intelligence' agencies be needed for, if there is a one world 'government'? With nobody but the rich owning anything, what will the militarized police force be good for? The armed IRS henchmen, if nobody has to pay taxes any longer? Because they will all be on a central bank digital currency allowance? And with AI and robotics, there will be no more need for workers, right? Is it for that reason, that the will of the people has to be broken by all means available?

And what has Glomar to do with all of that? Well, very much for sure. The "Hughes Glomar Explorer" was the expeditionary vessel to lift a sunken Soviet submarine for the practical reasons as to get a hand on their Commie technology. While this big brother venture went on, first use was made of "cannot confirm - cannot deny" statements by big brother. It was however not an invention by the Americans. Factually, this kind of policy was developed by the Nazi-Big Brother for his program known as "Night & Fog" ("Nacht und Nebel"). A program in which dissidents and undesired parts of the population were abducted in the middle of the night to never been seen again. Investigations by the relatives of these victims were then neither confirmed, nor denied by the respective agencies like 'police', 'secret service' or 'state security'. And after the worst crooks in the U.S. had devised an importation program for Nazi leaders - especially Nazi bureaucrats - with the apt description "Operation Paperclip", Nacht und Nebel was integrated into the U.S. big brother modus operandi of its 'national security' agencies. The program also proved to be very effective and 'successful' in Pinochet's Chile and Argentine's "Dirty War", also known as "Operation Condor". Those, who are able to connect all these evil events and programs, will be no longer under the illusion that their big brother wouldn't do that to them. It has been doing it since the 1930's, but since 1945 without any oversight and any restraints as outlined in the constitution of the United States.

All eyes should therefor be on the law suit by Targeted Justice against the responsible parties heading big brother's departments and agencies. Since You will likely only find out whether You are on the "target" list when the implications will become but obvious, it is recommended that You support "Targeted Justice" with all You got - be it in form of monetary contributions, or voluntary work to increase its reach and public awareness of the illegal machinations of big brother.

Thank You.

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