A tag that you can't take off!


You know somethin', Utivich? I think this just might be my masterpiece!

That's how the movie Inglourious Basterds ended. It is widely considered Tarantino's magnum opus. Whether it is or it is not doesn't matter and it is not really up for debate, it matters because that is what Tarantino himself thought. That is what makes the last scene iconic. This movie is so many things at the same time. It is about fighting for the underdogs. It is about doing the right thing, no matter the consequences. It is about sticking it to them German Nazis.



Brad Pitt did amazing southern accent in this movie. In this last scene he is talking about giving Hans Landa a tag that he can't take off. So that people always identify him as a Nazi SS German, no matter where he is in the world.

I don't blame ya! Damn good deal! And that purty little nest you feathered for yourself. Well, if you're willing to barbecue the whole high command, I 'spose that's worth certain considerations. But I do have one question. When you get to your little place on Nantucket Island, I 'magine you're gonna take off that handsome-lookin' S.S. uniform of yours, ain'tcha?

Eli Roth did the character of "the bear jew". In this other iconic scene he uses his baseball bat to great effect. Tarantino likes the building up of tension. So the camera focuses for a long time on the Nazi officer's face as Eli Roth walks in the darkness through the tunnel while hitting his baseball bat on the wall. The tension builds as the victim counts his last remaining moments of life as he hears the sound of the bat. Then when you get hit by the bat, all the 'bravery' disappears:)

Tarantino is a big fan of spaghetti westerns directed by Sergio Leone, especially The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Remember the Mexican Stand Off scene? Remember how long it was?!

Yeah, Tarantino is heavily influenced by this movie. The close up of the faces, and the music! Oh I must comment on Ennio Morricone's music! He did it in 1966 and he did it in 2009! I sometimes can't believe how iconic and time transgressive his music is!

This is the tune Rabbia E Tarantella by Ennio Morricone. This is the title seququence at the end of the movie. It includes the stills from the movie, which are perhaps some of the best stills I have ever seen.

I hate racism

It is on the rise. It is on the rise in the US and all over the world. Mostly because of the right wing extremism and populist culture that is on the rise globally. We must stop it. We must thwart it. The way we do it is to tag the people who are racist. Once racist - always racist.


The above screenshot is from an imbecile named @twinner, that discord ID is his alt. It was written during one of his nighttime drunk rants at Splinterlands tavern. Although he was drunk, he was smart enough to delete the message, but not before I got a screenshot. The racist moron is now banned from that discord. I like for him to listen to the end title of the Inglourious Basterds, and the amazing music by Morricone. It will remind him to look into the shadows on his way out of any tavern drunk.

Regarding the use of toilet paper, I have a great video to share.

There are lot of Indians around you twinner. Lots of them are CEOs of the companies that controls the world. They have more power, education, and social currency than you can possibly even imagine. They are everywhere, and a rising ethnic group in all aspects of society. So don't think for a second that you can say whatever you want and get away with your racist remarks. Because YOU CAN NOT!

Disclaimer: Since this is the age of internet, none of the text or video above is there to invoke any physical or emotional harm or threat to any individual or entity. It is posted on my personal blog for entertainment puposes only.

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