"A tough 30 minute kickboxing workout, get a good sweat on or get ideas for your own coaching!"

30 Minute Kickboxing Workout With Bag - My 1st Post on HIVE

Hi everyone! This is my first post on HIVE, be kind!

Big thanks to @nathanmars and @clivemartin for getting me on here

Train along to this 30 minute solo kickboxing workout. It's a simple routine and it's very challenging. If you want to improve your martial arts cardio and get better stamina for kicks this workout is for you. If you don't have a heavy bag or free standing bag then do the full round as shadow kickboxing.

2 Minute rounds with 1 minute rest, each round is a kicking combination that you do for 1 minute into the air, then 1 minute on the heavy bag. You get 1 minute to rest and the next round starts with a new combination.

Be sure to warm up properly first, get your heart rate up and lightly stretch out. It's wise to take the first few rounds steady until you are fully warmed up. You will get a better workout this way and reduce the risk of injury.

Combination 1.
Lead roundhouse kick low into lead roundhouse kick high

Combination 2.
Lead roundhouse into rear roundhouse

Combination 3.
Rear roundhouse high to rear roundhouse low

Combination 4.
Rear roundhouse landing forwards into rear roundhouse landing forwards

Combination 5.
Lead side kick into rear roundhouse landing forwards (start opposite stance each time)

Combination 6.
Rear roundhouse into lead side kick

Combination 7.
Lead side kick into turning back kick

Combination 8.
Lead side kick into lead hook kick

Combination 9.
Lead roundhouse kick low into lead side kick

Combination 10.
Rear roundhouse mid into rear roundhouse kick high.

Don't under estimate the benefits and the challenge of the shadow boxing. There's a reason why all the old great fighters spent a lot of time doing it. There's nothing quite like it to test and improve your balance and foot work. You can win or lose a fight based on your movement alone, so lets get to work trying to improve it!

The heights of all the techniques are relative to your ability. High doesn't have to be to the head, just high relative to your current kicking ability. Don't judge your kicks based on mine or anyone else. Just try to be better than you were in your last workout.

If you're fit go for the whole workout but if you're just stating out then do a few rounds at a time. Aim to do an extra round each time your train so you can build yourself up.

I hope to meet lots of new friends on here, help me out by sharing this post.

Good luck in your training!

30 Minute Kickboxing Workout With Bag - My 1st Post on HIVE

This is a cross post of @martiallee/30-minute-kickboxing-workout-with-bag-my-1st-post-on-hive by @martiallee.

A tough 30 minute kickboxing workout, get a good sweat on or get ideas for your own coaching!

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