Providential - A true story you wouldn´t believe - Chapter 50

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Do you know that feeling, that you have to do something.....but can´t quite remember what?
This story is just that.
I remember being told to write it but I can´t remember what I was supposed to tell you. What I do know is that everything I am going to tell you really happened, even though it may unbelievable sometimes.

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Chapter 50

Funniest part of being put in restricted custody, nobody told me! In Spain, I could call everyone including Yella. Nobody told me I was not allowed to have contact with anyone except for my lawyer. I tried calling her and while she did not answer I found out much later that she almost did.

So I finally got to talk to a real lawyer, he listened at first and then explained:

These alleged charges were used to instigate the whole sequence of events I had witnessed over these last 13 days. He had a hard time seeing the evidence, other than the fact that these allegations were so extreme that the police could not risk not acting, and therefore put in so much effort to bring the girl back and me to trial.

These last two weeks had given me a lot of time to think, and my thoughts went into overdrive since I heard the official charges.

I told him I never noticed any mental issues or was told about them. She was very shy, yes that much was clear to me. She had a messed up start to her life, no support from her mom at all, which caused her to feel and act very insecure. Those things maybe made her a little different.

Still, her writing was above average, she had a great sense of humor. I mean I am not stupid, and I never doubted her competence, nor did ever show any signs of not being mentally competent!

I am aware that I might have some autistic tendencies, and she might have one or two. But as my last psychologist said those things could as well be explained by her being highly sensitive.

Other than that she had been probably the most normal girlfriend I have had in years. So how the hell could they call her mentally incompetent,

Then he continued, the incompetency referred to not being able to give consent due to mental retardation characterized by sub normality of intelligence;
Further explaining that to be trialed for these charges I would have been knowledgeable of the fact that she was diagnosed as such.

That was the first good news I had since that A.D. showed up in the middle of the night. This should make an end to this circus in no time. This girl was very able to tell me what she liked and did not like.


How can they come up with this nonsense I asked, while I explained that I had nothing, not even a shred of evidence that would support these charges.

If you are considered unable to give consent due to sub-normal intelligence can you write 20 messages a minute without errors?
Can you graduate from a school getting a valid certificate that allows you to work in hospitality? She has gone through multiple internships successfully, and she drove her bike to school alone every day. She did all things a girl her age does and all things I would not expect from an incompetent person.

My lawyer confirmed that the interviews they received with so-called character witnesses confirmed my observations. One of her teachers that also gave her counseling even called out: "Yella might be easily influenced due to her insecurity, but mentally incompetent is the last thing that comes to mind. If it´s no, it´s no she is more than capable of expressing what she wants to do and doesn't want to do. And if she doesn´t want to do something, she doesn´t."

These confirmations made me feel a little better, and less crazy because the "what if I was wrong" question had haunted me until now.

Later that day I would be interrogated by the detectives on the case, I couldn´t wait. I mean this country should have a pretty decent juridical system or so it´s said, that would mean that they should see that something wasn´t right.

Yes, I did still have faith in innocent until proven guilty, at least in my case, or any case in which you were not up against governments, pharmaceutical, or big tech companies.

To my surprise, the lady integrating me did not look anything like a detective (note to self, don´t let tv influence your ideas on people's appearances). She looked like an elderly school teacher and that was also how she behaved. Her line of questing was pretty straightforward and we discussed step by step what had happened.

When I came to the end of the story, about hearing the charges and being harassed because of them throughout the night it got a bit too much. My throat clogged up and I felt tears coming.

"What just got you so emotional," she asked.

"Those charges, the fact that people actually think I might have done something like this to a girl, a girl I love," I said when I had reclaimed my voice.

So far she had not given me any indication of what she thought or what she had gathered during the investigation till now.

She tilted her head slightly and looked me in the eyes. "Mister, do you really think that if my colleague and I thought that you truly did those things we would be having this type of conversation," I think she meant the respectful openness and nonbiased way the conversation had gone so far.

"I don´t know, I have never been in this situation. I have never been pulled out of my house, thrown in a Spanish jail, or extradited to another country. So I don´t know, but indeed so far your line of questing has been very fair. I just hope that Yella is doing okay and holding up as well and that she has not been sent back to her mother."

What happened then was very unexpected; "Don´t worry, she is not with her mother and to be open with you. She has told the exact same story you have. She has not accused you of anything and even tried to protect you."

What the holy hell, are they allowed to say that?
Did she just say that?

I didn´t know if I should, laugh or cry. I looked at my shoes and tried to swallow the tears. "Thank you," I said, and meant every single letter of it.

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