Providential - A true story you wouldn´t believe - Chapter 44

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Do you know that feeling, that you have to do something.....but can´t quite remember what?
This story is just that.
I remember being told to write it but I can´t remember what I was supposed to tell you. What I do know is that everything I am going to tell you really happened, even though it may unbelievable sometimes.

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Chapter 44

It seemed like a clean break at first, but that would soon change. For now, she packed her things and left, taking our car which I was still paying for, and her toy boy and leaving her son with me.

We sort of came to an agreement on the stuff we owned together, an agreement in her favor but I did not care I was happy to see her go. I was so pleased that I packed all her stuff and Kyrians belongings into boxes and within a day or two, Kyrians old room was piling out and nothing was left that reminded me of her.

That is bull shit of course the whole house reminded me of her, but it felt good. I decided to stay here for a couple of more months and Kyrian spend most of his time with me because it was easier with school and it allowed him to slowly get used to the situation.

Stephie also had to get used to this new situation. Because if you brake up and move out for more than a month, you can no longer consider the house yours anymore. Guess she did not know the law like I did as she entered my house and took stuff with her after she had left and without any approval.

I did not report her for the theft but I did tell her, but the worse part was what came after that conversation. She looked at me with a naughty glance and told me I could always call her booty, seriously she literary said"I am always in for a booty call."

That really sickened me, but other than that I had a blast. Not sure if it was because I was picking out the workawayers now, or because she had no influence over them, but they were great.

Great with Kyrian and great company for this guy living alone in a house too big for a kid and myself.

I spend the afternoons of that summer at the pool, listening to my music and not being bothered by anyone. Except for the occasional workawayer taking a swim, which in some cases was only adding to the joy of my newfound freedom.

A newfound freedom that included a newfound love, the only thing was if I had to give it a status at that time it would be: It´s complicated. That was not because the situation between her and me was complicated, that was just peachy.

There were two things that made it complicated. First of all, we met online and she was living in The Netherlands while I was in Spain. That is recipe for disaster already, secondly, she just turned 18.

Now I do admit I always had and preferred younger girlfriends, but this was a bit more than I was used to. I mean the normal difference in the past was 8-10 years, not 22 years?
And if that did not complicate matters enough she had a really protective mom, that did not give her a lot of space.

Guess it is a bit of that classic story; girl raised by a protective mom, not knowing much about her dad, meeting an older guy, who is her first love, she looking for a way out of the prison she´s experiencing at home and he offered her that way out, kinda.

Now let´s not get ahead of the story again. We had a lovely start to our relationship and that summer on the 16th of June 2016 I asked her to be my virtual girlfriend as we had no way of meeting and she said yes.

We chatted daily and even months later those daily chats did not get boring. We just clicked and I was very happy to meet someone that I felt I could trust: someone honest, with no hidden agenda, and not out to change me.

At this point, I did not think a lot about the future or the past. Part of me felt it was released from prison and could finally run wild, while another part was still getting used to this new lifestyle.

This new life had fewer responsibilities, although in those first months, Kyrian resided with me most of the time, over the summer he started to live with his mom more and more. This was something we had agreed on because as I was the one with a job she would be the one getting full custody.

This left me with plenty of time and it was well spent chatting but at some point I wanted to meet this sweet little lady in person. That was a little challenging because even though she was eighteen her mom did not give her much leeway.

Guess you can´t stop true love, especially not if there was a pretty decent hotel just 5 minutes from where she was living. I must admit that even though I did not give it too much thought at that time it felt a bit weird. Still, the girl was so special and my life was so turned upside down already I easily accepted the weirdness.

I flew to The Netherlands, arrived at the hotel, and prepared myself to finally meet this girl I only knew from our months of chats.

It was no surprise that when we finally met I was eye to eye with a very shy and very pretty girl. The eye-to-eye is not really true as she did not dare look me in the eye on that first date.


This was no surprise by the way, over these last couple of months we had not called once because she did not feel up to it. I had only heard her voice briefly once.

We ended up meeting for the first time on a bench in a schoolyard. We spoke very little, well she spoke even less but things did not feel as awkward as that may sound.

She had not had an easy life so far, she had always been quite big and that had not done her any good with regard to her self-esteem and self-image. To me, she looked exactly like the beautiful girl in the pictures she had sent, but irl she was nothing like the chatterbox in my Whatsapp.

Not that strange when you consider I was only her second boyfriend, that was a lot older, and she only knew me from some chats. She must have felt so clueless, although that cluelessness disappeared quite rapidly during our first days together.

She made all kinds of excuses that week to get out of the house and visit me in the hotel. We spend so many hours on that hotel bed getting to know each other. I had intended this to really be a slow start, I did not want to hurry her, or myself in any way.

That meant that she was still a virgin when I was on the plane back to Spain. I definitely did not want to take that from her, not with the distance between us. Not with the life I just left behind.

She on the other hand told me that she would not have minded at all if we had gotten to 3rd base.

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