Do you write sweet fiction? c'mon... you know you wanna bite!!!

Take my hand and let me show you where we are headed this month... Somewhere very cool... where the wonders of fiction wrap you up in delight; where this month a fun writing community docks for 3 weeks at the dreemiest Port in the blogosphere, my home port❣️

This is my intro post to the #scholarandscribe community 😏

For 3 weeks in the month of August, Dreemport is shining a light on #scholarandscribe, a fabulous writing community for all forms of fiction, short stories, serial fiction, long-form, and poetry.

Dreemport is a wonderful curation community for writers from across the blogosphere. To share your posts, or take part in the writing challenges, you can register quickly and easily at ,and further details on how to use Dreemport to engage with other writers through curation and to share your own posts with the community, can be found here . We'd love to see you drop into the discord , so come and say hi... some days it may be a little quiet in there because writers like to be ... um writing... but just pop in and tag one or more of us and we'll drop by to have a little chat as soon as we are available 😊 ... some of us lurk in the shadows from time to time hehe.

So, as part of our intro post for the current challenge, we need to write a short narrative on our favourite dessert... and then answer a few questions about ourselves...

... so here goes...

My favourite dessert:

Ok, this is gonna have to be a tough-ish choice between four of my favourite desserts!!!

... geez how the heck do I decide between these four, I mean just look and them!!! The yum factor is through the roof! I mean who doesn't love a hot gooey chocolate cookie dough dessert, the tangy delights of lemon cheesecake or key lime pie on the tongue, or the icy refreshing flavour burst of a sorbet medley?

Now... I have managed to find commercially available vegan & gluten-free (because I am both!) lemon cheesecake and sorbet. The cheesecake is available in my local supermarket for a price; the sorbet at our local ice cream farm... yep we have an ice cream farm down the road from me... it is a dairy farm that makes its own ice creams and sorbets hehe... but we call it the ice cream farm. I have found vegan warm chocolate cookie dough at a chain of Italian restaurants here in the UK (seriously I go to our local branch just for the dessert! it is my one non-GF cheat... and their high ceilings... love them!). As for the key lime pie... I have not found a vegan version as yet... still if anyone in the UK knows of one... especially if it is also GF, please do let me know! hehe

If I have to choose a current favourite, then it has to go to the Vegan Warm Chocolate Cookie dough, topped with vegan ice-cream. The dough is chewey and sweet, but oozing with molten dark chocolate to temper the sweetness, which spills out and swirls into the refreshing vanilla ice-cream. I love the mix of warm and cold on the tongue... but boy is it ever so rich!!! I love it but struggle to finish it hehe. But it is so good that when we were out to dinner one evening with a small group of friends... one of my mates, Adam... cast his eye on my dessert ... and I was like... well... ok go on - I know you want to try it!!! And he was like well it's vegan but it looks yum... and your kids are going gaga for it sooooo.... ok sure...I offered him a spook and said Dig in!.... so he took a little on the tip of his spoon and he was like...hmmm.... mmmm.... oooh....aaah...geez that's nice! I just lolled. Want some more, Adam? hahaha
He did! And he did have more lol. It is that nice!!!

And now for the intro questions - let's smack these out of the park, shall we... not literally... but it sure does sound better than saying... let's get these out the way 🀣

'cos I am very much looking forward to filling my bingo card with as many writers as possible that I have not engaged with before, or with whom I have not engaged as much yet.

  • How long have you been with Hive? (a simple number is fine!)
    A little over a year - I joined on 6th June 2021

  • Have you ever written fiction before? (yes or no is fine! hehe)
    Um... yes! - I write in The Ink Well and Scholar and Scribe. I definitely need to write a lot more than I currently do! ... time... time... time... the age-old problem!

  • Are you familiar with Scholar & Scribe (They are SO excited to meet you!!!)
    Oh yes, for sure! I met @dibblers.dabs a while back before Scholar & Scribe was born, and used to write regularly for The Tale of Two Pizzas - I needed to take an extended break from the Pizza Story as life got too hectic both off-chain and on-chain... and then I fell too far behind to pick it up easily again... I'd like to make a reappearance at some point - I know they have taken the pace off somewhat so it may suit me better now on an ad-hoc basis, with my current commitments... and give me time to catch up... I suspect I have a lot of reading to do! If anyone has not taken part yet in @dibblers.dabs Pizza collaboration story, head on over to his blog and have a read and get stuck is super fun!!! Otherwise, I have written in the Scholar & Scribe community and use the tags too.

  • Are you expecting this to be a fun challenge, challenging challenge, exciting challenge, or are you really dreading writing publicly? (Be honest - we are here to cheer you on!)
    hahaha, how about... a fun, exciting, challenging challenge lol

  • Are you going to TRY to go for the 3 part serial fiction (over 3 weeks), the engagement Bingo option, simply stick to SOME fiction this month for Scholar&Scribe, or some other option altogether?
    Most definitely jumping in the deep-end on this one and going for the 3-part serial fiction... it's got to be something that stretches and challenges me, right? and then I reckon it's a given that I'll play some engagement bingo - it's how we roll here... and i promised @bluefinstudios that I would start with his post (well then I realised I had already read @dreemport's post... but Blue is a person... and Dreemport is a ...well it's a port... voiced by a person hehe... so I'll just stick them both on to start off my card this evening, and then go find some people that I don't know yet 😊

Finally just to say that today I powered up some hive for HPUD being 1st August...if you did, awesome, if not...there is always next month 😊

Dessert image created using canva pro library

Images included in design:
Sorbet by Lester120 on canva pro

Cups with lemon cheesecake by Anotoniotruzzi on canva pro

Slice of keylime pie by monkey business images on canva pro

Raw Cooki edough by Margouillatphotos on canva pro

Dreemport banner used with permission of @dreemsteem and @dreemport and designed by @jimramones

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