Monthly Prompts | Toxic wounds (Heridas tóxicas) [EN/ES]

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Toxic wounds

Human beings are as fragile as a flower, and sometimes, we become our predators. This story presents a case that is lived daily in every corner of the world. Harry is the protagonist, the victim of a toxic relationship like cancer, the kind that consumes bodies and makes you small before hell, and the boy experienced it at school.

He began high school, and with this new environment came his anguish. He was openly gay, and his classmates, with whom he had been since primary school, loved him as he was, but the new ones began to bully him, so much so that they marked his life. He knew love, not as he dreamed of it. He felt for the first time maybe that butterflies tickle in your stomach.

He began a love relationship with a boy named Tom. In the beginning, Harry agreed to keep it hidden because the boy told him that he could not say he was gay. His family had sexist precepts, and they were not going to accept deviation. He received kisses in secret from that boy, but everything changed when Tom began to tell him that he looked a little fat and that he could not go around shouting that he liked men, among other things, making Harry insecure.

One day, they were hiding together kissing, and Harry said to him, "We're sweethearts, aren't we?"

"Boyfriends, what are you saying? Of course not."

That broke his heart. He cried a lot, felt used, and ran away. In his room, he recapitulated all the derogatory words the boy had used towards him. The next day, he asked him not to approach him anymore. He was glad to get out of that abyss that lacerated his soul and his self-esteem every day, so much so that he even hurt himself. His character changed, and he became calm and withdrawn.

Harry found in writing a refuge where he could take out his pain from the abuses against him. The mockery kept everything as a diary. It was not enough to get out of that kind of frustration and the physical and psychological wounds that those caused him.

The start of the new school year arrived, and with it, a new classmate that Harry had a crush on but seemed straight, always avoided. Harry talked to him, and that's how they met. Little by little, the new boy joined the group of friends, and Harry became very close. Their intense looks made them venture to kiss, and the new boy named Esteban discovered that he was bisexual. They began a relationship full of trust and love.

Esteban noticed something strange about his boyfriend but always went off on a tangent when he confronted him. He felt insecure, and this worried him. One night, when they were at home, Harry decided to tell his boyfriend everything he had experienced in the toxic relationship he was in and showed him the scars of self-harm and very clearly the scars he had in his soul. Both in a tearful embrace, they offered each other love and promised to seek professional help.

Harry spent four months in a psychological care center to overcome the trauma, and Esteban was always in that long process and made the boy feel that he could love without fear and without feeling inferior, that love adds and multiplies but never subtracts.



Heridas tóxicas

Los seres humanos somos tan frágiles como una flor y a veces nos convertimos en nuestros propios depredadores, en esta historia se presenta un caso que a diario se vive en cada rincón del mundo, Harry es el protagonista víctima de una relación tóxica de esas que consumen como un cáncer, de esas que a diario te hacen minúsculo, ante el infierno que vivió este chico en su escuela.

Comenzó su bachillerato y con este nuevo ambiente llegaron sus angustias, era abiertamente gay, sus compañeros, los que llevaba desde primaria lo querían tal y como él era, pero los nuevos comenzaron a hacerle bullying, tanto que le marcaron su vida, aunque también conoció el amor no como lo soñaba e imaginaba, pero sintió esa cosquillas de mariposas en su estómago por primera vez.

Inició una relación amorosa con un chico llamado Tom, al comienzo Harry aceptó tenerlo oculto, porque el chico le decía que él no podía decir que era gay, su familia tenía preceptos machistas y no le aceptarían jamás un desvío, él por amor acepto los besos a escondidas de aquel chico, pero todo cambió desde que Tom comenzó a decirle que se veía un poco gordo, que no podía andar gritando que le gustaban los hombres, entre otras cosas y aquello fue haciendo a Harry inseguro.

Cierto día, estaban juntos escondidos dándose besos y Harry, le decía:

—Somos novios, verdad?

—¿Novios? Qué estás diciendo? Claro que no.

Aquello le rompió el corazón, lloró mucho se sintió usado, salió corriendo, ya en su habitación recapituló todas las palabras despectivas que al chico usaba hacia él y al día siguiente le pidió que ya no se le acercará, se alegró por salir de aquel abismo que cada día laceraba su alma, su amor propio, tanto hasta llegar a autolesionarse, su carácter cambió totalmente se hizo callado y retraído.

Harry encontró en la escritura un refugio, allí podía sacar su dolor por los abusos en su contra, las burlas todo lo llevaba como un diario, pero no era suficiente para sacar aquella especie de frustración y las heridas físicas y psicológicas que aquellos le causaron.

Llegó el comienzo del nuevo año escolar y con este un nuevo compañero del cual Harry quedó enamorado, se veía muy heterosexual, por eso siempre lo evitaba, pero el chico lo buscaba, le hablaba y así se fueron conociendo, poco a poco el nuevo muchacho se integró al grupo de amigos y Harry se hizo cercano, sus miradas intensas hicieron que se aventuraran cierto día a darse un beso, y el nuevo chico llamado Esteban descubrió que era bisexual e iniciaron una relación llena de confianza, amor y firmeza.

Esteban notaba a su novio algo raro, pero este siempre se salía por la tangente cuando él lo confrontaba, lo sentía inseguro, taciturno y esto le preocupaba, una noche que se encontraban en casa Harry decidió contarle a su novio todo lo que había vivido en la relación tóxica en la estaba, le mostró las cicatrices de las autolesiones y muy claramente las que tenía en su alma. Ambos en un abrazo con lágrimas se brindaron amor y comprometieron en buscar ayuda profesional.

Cuatro meses recluido en un centro de atención psicológica estuvo Harry para superar el trauma y Esteban siempre estuvo en ese largo proceso y le hizo sentir al chico que podía amar sin miedo y sin sentirse inferior, que el amor suma y multiplica, pero que jamás resta.


This is my submission to the Inleo prompt suggestion for October. The topic is "The effects of a toxic relationship"
Day 24

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Edited by Rincón Poético
The text of this post was originally translated from Spanish to English with the translator DeepL
Original content


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