The Great Guardian Of The Forest (Fiction Story)

Image edited with Photoshop. Image source from zhang kaiyv and Tomasz Proszek

With full concentration, Budi aims at his target and "WUZZZ", the arrow flies quickly to uproot the target. Budi immediately ran towards the thicket in the lush forest. Budi's body is thin and slender and his movements are so agile like a mouse deer, it is very difficult to catch. The hunters immediately chased Budi and wanted to catch him.

“Quickly find and capture that brat, dead or alive!” shouted the leader of the hunters.

"Yes, Sir!" replied the group of hunters in unison.

By running very fast, Budi jumped over rocks and tree trunks. He climbed so nimbly up the tree. Budi took three arrows at once and fired right at the necks of the hunters. The poachers who felt overwhelmed, finally left the forest. Once again, Budi managed to save rare animals and plants in the forest from hunters who wanted to get money from rare animals in the forest.

Budi is a tough 13-year-old teenager. He lives in a small village located on the outskirts of a forest. In the forest near where Budi lives, there are several endangered rare animals and rare plants that only grow in that forest. Not surprisingly, many poachers come to the forest to look for rare plants and animals to be sold at high prices. Seeing this, Budi decided to become a forest ranger who would protect the forest in his village.

One day, when Budi was fishing at the edge of the forest, he saw a beautiful black butterfly flying in front of him. Budi was attracted and fascinated by the gracefulness of the butterfly, very different from the ordinary butterfly he had seen before. Full of admiration, Budi began to follow the black butterfly. The butterfly took him across a hidden path in the forest. They passed clear rivers and walked through dense thickets.

After a long journey, they arrived at a dark and mysterious cave. Budi walked in carefully, hoping to find the secret behind the beauty of the black butterfly. However, as he went deeper, the butterfly suddenly turned into a young girl who emitted a golden light. Budi was shocked to see a butterfly turning into a girl.

"Who are you?" asked Budi with complete astonishment.

The girl smiled gently. "I am Lila, the guardian of this forest. The black butterfly is my true form. I have chosen you as the new leader in maintaining the balance of nature in this forest."

Budi was surprised to hear this. He felt unworthy to be such a leader. However, Lila convinces him that his courage and ability are the reason why he was chosen. With newfound confidence, Budi accepts his assignment. Lila who is a forest guard girl will teach Budi about the forces of nature and how to maintain harmony in the forest. So that Budi can talk to the trees, listen to the whisper of the wind, and see the beauty of nature with his inner eye.

Over time, Budi has grown up and become a wise and dedicated forest guard. He helps injured forest animals, protects endangered plants, and ensures that the ecosystem stays in balance. Residents of the surrounding villages began to notice the changes taking place in the forest. They see the beauty that is around them and learn to respect and protect nature. Budi teaches children in the village who are interested in preserving nature. The children are taught important values regarding the beauty of nature, as well as the importance of maintaining the balance of the ecosystem.

One day, when Budi was walking in the woods, a gunshot sounded so strong. Budi swiftly ran towards the source of the sound. Upon arriving at the scene, Budi was astonished and shocked. Budi was angry and shouted, "Who are you? What are you doing?". A burly man pointed his rifle at Budi and shot him. Budi who has great skills, dodged bullets and ran quickly towards the gunman. With a single blow, the gunman was blown away and passed out. Members of the man immediately shot Budi very brutally. Budi jumped on a tree and shot arrows at them until they lost.

"Mama, Papa!!! wake up quickly!" a boy cries because of the death of his parents.

Seeing the corpses of a man and woman crying over a boy, Budi remembers that they are plant researchers who will study rare plants in the forest. However, hunters came to collect rare plants and shot the research couple. Budi regrets not knowing the arrival of the hunters.

"Come on, don't cry. We're going to bury your Mother and Father!" said Budi.

The boy she meets is named Rozi. Budi sees great potential in Rozi and decides to raise and train him to become a forest protector. They adventure together, explore the forest, and learn the hidden secrets of nature. Budi teaches Rozi about the plants and animals that live in the forest and the importance of preserving them. In addition, Rozi was taught martial arts and archery to protect the ecosystem in the forest from the threat of poachers. Time went on, and with the training provided by Budi, now Rozi is getting stronger and able to unite with nature. Even Rozi can communicate with the animals in the forest. Each creature imparted valuable teachings to Rozi as well as developed his character and opened his mind.

One day, an old woman was passing through their forest and was going to another village to deliver fruits to her pregnant daughter. By accident, a wild boar attacked the old woman and knocked her down. Rozi and Budi, who felt that there was a danger to other people, immediately came as fast as the wind to save the old woman who was being attacked by a wild boar. When the wild boar was about to attack again, Budi immediately caught the wild boar and moved it to another place.

"Grandma, are you all right?" Rozi asked worriedly.

"It looks like my leg is sprained and it's hard to walk." replied the old woman.

"We will carry you, grandma, Rest first at our place," Rozi said.

"Thank you, you are very kind." replied the old woman.

After knowing the purpose of the old woman, Rozi and Budi will deliver the fruits to the village where their daughter lives. When Rozi and Budi were delivering fruit, they came across a field that was threatened by drought. The crops withered and the villagers were worried about losing their source of food. With Budi's guidance, Rozi will lead the rescue effort to provide water for the fields after they deliver the fruit. Rozi, Budi and the villagers will dig wells and set up an efficient irrigation system. Together, they save the fields from drying out and revive the villagers' hopes.

Their success in dealing with the dry fields has spread throughout the village. Many villagers are inspired by them. The villagers also know that Rozi and Budi are forest rangers. After what Rozi and Budi did, the villagers started working together and working together to protect the nature around them. Over time, Rozi grew into a wise and inspiring young man. Rozi continues Budi's struggle in maintaining the balance of nature and ecosystems so that he inspires other youths to maintain the natural beauty that exists. In their life's journey, Rozi and Budi continue to forge a strong bond with nature and the black butterfly that Budi has found. They became legends that the villagers continued to tell from generation to generation.

The End.

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