The Adventures of Mira - The Raven's Problems (Part 2)


Source: Unsplash

“We have a problem guys! There are people with guns in the front gate!”

As soon as I heard that, I was already on my feet as fast as lightning, although, I did stumble a little and winced at the pain of my shoulder.

“We have to get out of here.” I said, grabbing my backpack and coat which was resting on a chair. “No matter how great of demigods we are, mortal weapons, guns most especially, will definitely give us an unexpected trip with Thanatos (Greek god of death) as our tour guide. I especially don’t want Charon giving me a ride even for just a single drachma.”

“Cerberus is cute though.” I heard Takashi mumble which made me turn to him probably with an incredulous look. “What? He is! At least he’s cuter than Susanoo-sama’s pet dog. That guy still doesn’t like me.”

I just shook my head and dragged the two of them downstairs towards the basement. I instructed them to gather their things and get some necessities.

Demigod safe houses always had secret passages. It was to ensure that we could avoid mortal eyes, plus the area was enchanted enough to protect us from the monsters. The passages were always in the basement.

“Mira! What is going on?” asked Amara who was right behind me. I could hear Takashi shut the doors of the secret passage, ensuring that no one would come after us. Not long after, I heard the continuous sound of guns shooting. Amara and Takashi got so startled they jumped almost hitting the ceiling.

“I had a dream while I was unconscious. A demigod dream.” I started, leading them into the maze of passages. “Somebody ordered the sniper who shot me. They said it’ll be a warning to the ravens. They were all speaking in Italian.”

“The ravens? In Italy?” Amara asked again. “The Corvino’s? You mean the mafia? They’re the only one in Italy that uses the raven as a symbol. That and corvino is literally raven in Italian.”

“Yeah. The attack on me is supposed to be a warning to them.”

“What?” Takashi questioned. “Ravens? The mafia? What does this have to do with us?”

I shook my head, giving Takashi a look. “The guy who gave the order, he knew about me. He had some sort of advisor, I couldn’t see him properly because he was… almost formless and faceless, but he was the one who told that guy to attack me. I won’t be surprised if they’re the ones behind the attack in the safe house as well.”

Chotto!” Takashi exclaimed, which made us all stop. “I mean wait a minute! Can somebody please tell me what in the name of Yama is going on?!”

Amara already knew of who I am, as well as the complicated issues of my family. The mortal one. After all, her family was part of that side of the world.

“Takashi, listen to me. The people after us? They are part of the mafia. They’re trying to kill us, me in particular, because of who my father is.” I replied.

“They know your father is Poseidon? Does he have a mortal identity or something?”

“Not Poseidon.” I shook my head. “Poseidon is my godly parent, but unlike most demigods, I have both biological mortal parents.”

Takashi was about to say something but he was unable to do so since a loud explosion rang not that far from us.

“Damn it! I think they found the entrance!” Amara yelled. “Ask your questions later! Let’s get out of here fast!"

I dragged Takashi, his face still held the expression of disbelief. But he was not a regular guy, so he was able to adjust to the situation. My mind ran millions of questions immediately while on the run. Questions like; how they found us? Or how did they find the entrance of the secret passage? How did they even know about the secret passage?!

But then a figurative lightbulb lit up above my head, and I suddenly wanted to pull an Archimedes and shout ‘eureka!’, as the answer came into me.

‘The rogue god. He’s helping them. He’s the formless one in my dream.’

I shook my head in disbelief. We were against a god who had a mortal mafia organization at his disposal. Not to mention I was currently useless because of my injury and its complications. I then decided to pray to one of the gods I was close to and would surely do me a favor.

‘Hermes, please hear my prayer. We need a ride out of here. Please get us out of here! If possible, please bring us to Ricardo!’

My prayer got answered which actually surprised me.

Just as the enemies caught up to us, and another group of enemy was actually lying-in wait for us, the three of us suddenly glowed brightly, as if we were human glow sticks. I suddenly felt nauseous. I then remembered that I couldn’t really handle any type of transportation other than ships or boats. And the type of transportation we were about to undergo was the one I hated the most: teleportation.

‘You owe me sushi, okay?’ I heard a voice in my head.

I was blinded by a bright light that I had to close my eyes. When I opened them again, the three of us were in the middle of a room with both Amara and Takashi unconscious, on top of a table and were surrounded by a bunch of people with shocked faces. I suddenly felt really tired and my wounded shoulder started hurting even more. My vision got blurry and in my losing consciousness, I could make out the face of my mortal father.

“Mira?” I heard him call.

“Hey dad.”

Then I blacked out.

~To be continued...

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