Broken but fixable •°•°


Winter was never compatible with health; it’s a struggle to maintain my sanity and still go to work, with a running nose, a sore throat, and aching muscles. The weather was never suitable for me; I just wonder how people enjoy snow!.

But summer, that time of year, was perfect, and that's why I fixed my wedding this summer so we could enjoy the sun of the beach while saying our vows, watching the sun glitter on the water surface, and giggles from kids running around while watching the couple make out.

My wedding.


Remembering just made the corners of my eyes ache as they got teary. I think I look weird with my wedding gown on, ruined makeup, and a cigarette in my mouth. god knows where I got it, I can't even smoke I looked like a bride that ran away from the altar.

“You look like shit, and not in a good kind of way, like de shit.”

“Glad you took note; that's exactly how I feel right now.” My best friend Carl sat down next to us; our dress getting ruined was the last thing on our minds. The sun on the beach was just perfect with the wind, and the ocean waves were just a perfect view.

“You know I find it ridiculous that you're crying over that loser, so what? He cheated on you with your sister; he's not the first man to cheat, you know; it just shows how underserving of you he was.” My friend had a weird way of comforting me, but I was glad she was here anyway.

“I loved him, you know.”

“Of course I knew you loved him way too much to have saved your virginity for him. Uhg, this is why I told you men are scum! Pathetic souls wandering the face of the earth, I wish I could strangle Jason Merlon right now.”

Well, there goes my last resort, as I broke down in tears, thinking once again how Jason could do this to me. We have been together since our childhood days, and he knew me just as I could claim I knew him. Well, that was until this happened.

My friend quickly wrapped me in a warm hug, shushing me with comforting words and pressing kisses on my head. I think what got me to smile was when she said, *He would lose his balls and turn into a frog. I don't even know how that makes sense, but it made me smile. Yeah, Carl was just like that—a weird, sweet, weird kind of friend.

“Thank goodness you're not pregnant with his baby; we would have drained his life source from child support.” Carl muttered, though it may sound funny, but I know she was deeply hurt and angry too; she had known me and Jason for the longest. I could imagine the disappointment she felt too.

“Common drag queen! Enough drama for one day; your mascara is all over your face, which might as well give me nightmares. I think you should go for an audition looking like this, the broken bride; you know, maybe Lady Gaga might pick an interest in you, and we might just get rich!!.” she chanted happily.

"Oooh, shut up, Caroline.”

“Don't call me that! It's Carl to you or nothing.”

“I might as well just call you nothing.” I shuddered my shoulder as I chuckled at her ridiculous face. She makes a face at me, like I am spitting out nonsense.

“Now where was I before I was rudely interrupted?” I snorted, turning my eyes the other way to avoid her deathly glaze.

“So obviously you're not getting married again, which leaves both of us single, unmarried, virgins, and depressed. So instead of wallowing in self-pity, why don't we just enjoy these last days of summer in this expensive hotel, get drunk and laid, and maybe one of us might just get a rich husband?” Carl spoke with so much excitement in her eyes, and I just knew her rubbish of a plan was just a coin out of a story.

But I sighed, not wanting the pain to override my sanity; I just wanted to forget that Jason broke my heart. So going through with Carl's ridiculous plan might not be so bad without the getting laid part.

I smiled and nodded my head.

“Yes! Watch me marry your widow to a rich, handsome husband, stupid jerk Jason Merlon!!!” Carl stood up, screaming her lungs out, startling everyone close by. Embarrassed, I held her hand, dragging her to our room in the hotel, out of sight. This was the reason she could never get a boyfriend through college or high school.

“We’re not even married, so how am I his widow? He's not even dead, you mutt! And shut up; I feel like I'm having a mental breakdown with all your screaming.” I said.

“Of course he is, when I poison him.” mentally and physically facepalm. Leaving her to walk on her own.

Yeah, summer was already ending; better make the most of it these last few days, of course.

That evening, me and Carl had on our mini-gowns with simple make-up on. I was a blonde with blond hair and deep blue eyes, while Carl had long jet-black hair and light blue eyes. After telling our parents we wouldn't be following them back to Mexico, they agreed to let us explore Cyprus and enjoy our vacation. Mama had cried her eyes out, cursing at my sister and Jason. But I was just feeling numb to the entire situation and wasn't ready to talk about it with my family. I guess they understood I needed time to sort myself out first before I could communicate.

Now me and Carl were just sitting in a bar, trying to get drunk, I guess. Well, that's until we got drinks from two men opposite our table. Though they looked breath-taking, I wasn't buying them.

"Carl, are you checking them out?” I looked at my friend, whose focus was on the other side of our table. My lips twitched in an attempt to smile. Before my eyes fell on the stranger on the other side, my thoughts were, ‘What kind of intense stare is that?’, shaking off the shudder from my body. I turned my gaze quickly to my friend, who was still lost in staring.

"Oh, I thought all men were scum and impossible to be with; what changed?” I chuckled.

"Oh, give me a break. Yeah, they are scum, but they are handsome scum too, you know.”

We both laughed, enjoying the cold evening, though those two strangers never came to our table, which was a relief, but they had their eyes on our table until we left.

Well, so I thought, until we started receiving special treatment. At first, I thought it came with the honeymoon packages at the hotel, but nah, each morning I and Carl got flowers with romantic lines. And it continued for two days.

Today we decided to stay outside and relax on the beach. Putting on a bikini was never a thing for me, but Carl wanted us to explore, so I did. At first, I was so self-conscious of my body, but after playing on the beach for awhile, running around like kids. Our secret stalker decided to grace us with their divine present.

And of course, it happens to be both strangers from the bar; only that they were twins, identical twins; surely we weren't able to see them clearly with the dim light in the bar. Shocked, of course I was.

"Hello, Mi Corazon,” the first twin said.

“Hi, mi armor,” and the second twin chimed in.

“Oh, handsomes, what brings such an attractive disturbance to our relaxing ground?” Carl answered.

Of course she did say that; leave it all to Carl to show her weird parts. I rolled my eyes.

The twin just chuckled—not your regular average kind of chuckle, I mean deep voice kind—which felt like a drum with a base in it.

"Ah, sorry, we're not interested; we just want to rest, and what my friend meant by attractive disturbance meant actual disturbance. I pinched Car left her thighs, making her startled in fear.


“Shut it.” I whispered and yelled. Which made her pout as I dragged her out of those handsome strangers before we both made a fool of ourselves.

“You just had to do that!” I said this immediately as we entered our hotel room.

“What did I do? They were handsome, and you know it's hard to get those types of species in this type of year. And I've never dated. Not to be selfish, but we both need a timeout. Why can't we give them a chance? If they are jerks like Jason, then we move on. These are the last days of summer before we're caught up being wet and getting frozen to death. Why not just loosen up? I know you're still thinking about Jason, and I'm not telling you to stop, but don't close the door just because one loser has hurt you.”

“But I loved-”

"Yes, you love him, but can't you see that loving him wasn't enough for him? He wasn't honest with you; don't let this chance of healing slide away, and if these two are just jerks then we have each other, okay?”

I looked into my friend's eyes and saw the honesty in them. Well, what could possibly go wrong with just one try, hm?.

I finally nodded my head.

It turns out Luke and Simon were really nice men, and the flowers never stopped coming every morning. I was mostly attracted to Luke; he was a gentleman, while Simon and Carl were moving at a fast speed; they looked really cute together. Since they were both sarcastic freaks, Luke and Simon were the owners of the company Jason worked for. How splendid, right?

I can't tell if I would fall in love again, but I was definitely attracted to Luke. We have been doing things together, like going on lots of dates in expensive places. Luke never fails to surprise me; he was different and very patient with me.

“Don't get pregnant, Lena.” i chuckled.

“Was Carolina?” Luke asked. We went for a picnic.

I nod. "Well, she shouldn't worry about us getting pregnant; she should worry about Simon, who's desperate to be a father.” Luke added and We both laughed.

The Last Days of Summer⛅🌞⛱️

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