Dreem-WOTW S3R1 | Deep diving into my soul [PT/ENG]

Greetings fellow Scribers 🙌

Hello dear readers! It's with great pleasure that I come to Scholar and Scribe community once again to participate in Dreem-WOTW monthly contest managed by my dear friend @samsmith1971. This month we are being challenged to include one or more of the five elements - Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and (A)ether.

👀 If you wish to participate please go to Sam's post for more information. 👀

For today's post, I'm gonna present to the Hive blockchain two poems written by the deepest part of my soul, with a little surprise in the middle. Both of these poems were quite hard to write but not in a "negative" kind of way. I only mean it took a while to get out, I had to push it a bit to see where the journey took me.

Took a while for the truth to be turned into a reality... I gotta tell you, this month's WOTW theme couldn't be more accurate as for today I have planned a deep dive into my soul.

Care to join me, dear reader?

Image from Engin_Akyurt on Pixabay

But first of all, I feel I should give a little context as is for the reason I'm choosing to share 2 poems for WOTW. The first I'm about to share was not originally intended for this contest nor was written with a picture of the five elements in my mind. To me, it only makes sense to share them both as one can be an explanation for the other.

Like each side of the coin, one poem's emotions and expressions cannot exist without the other. I see a duality forever present in my writings that I'm hoping you, dear reader, can also see. I believe the most attentive readers will understand why I chose to share it with the WOTW theme.

Lastly, I'm going to take this opportunity to pay an overdue promise that I made my friend @samsmith1971 a while ago... Sam, can you guess which one is it?


Image from jplenio on Pixabay

Prepare yourself for this crazy, yet beautiful, boat ride.

Raiva [PT] / Rage [ENG]

Image from LeandroDeCarvalho on Pixabay


Para quê lutar contra
O que é natural?
Tão bem espelhados nesta montra
De trauma geracional

A cólera que fervilha
E me rompe as entranhas...
Sou eu a merda da filha
Desta puta artimanha!

Para a ira eu sentir
Apenas tenho duas escolhas:
Ou a deixo explodir
Ou lhe coloco cinco rolhas.

Na primeira rompo relações,
Na segunda, um acumular de frustrações
Ao que see somam umas quantas escoriações.
Mas que merda de seleções!

E lá volto eu a meditar
Naquilo que me faz acreditar...
Este gigante excremento
Que é an verdade o meu fundamento.

Aquilo que eu sou por dentro...


Why fight against
What's natural?
So well mirrored in this display
Of generational pain

The fury that bubbles up
And ruptures my insides...
I am the fucking child
Of this godforsaken trial!

For the wrath to go
I only have two paths:
Either I let it blast
Or turn into a puppets show.

In the former, I break connections,
In the second, endless frustrations
To which are added a few abrasions.
What a bunch of fucking reflections!

Meditating I go and leave
On what makes me believe...
This gigantic excrement
Which is actually my fundament.

What I am within my deep...

Translated with the help of DeepL

Naufrágio [PT] / Shipwerck [ENG]

Image by Pexels on Pixabay


Navego por este rio,
Aquele a que chamo vida.
Chega a ser tão sombrio
Que me deixa dividida.

Tal é este sufoco
Em auto-depreciação
Não será este barco oco?
Desprovido de qualquer emoção.

Naufrágio este que me deixa
Presa nesta ilha pois,
Pois é a minha maior queixa
É deixar o amor-próprio p'ra depois.

As gotas transbordam no olhar
Pois é com grande pesar
Que me esqueço de contemplar
Com um mínimo de compaixão
Antes que a terra see torne o meu caixão.

Apenas uma pequena benevolência,
Como prémio da resiliência.


I sail down this river,
The one I call living.
And it gets so shady
It leaves me splintered.

Such is this suffocation
In self-deprecation
Isn't this boat hollow?
So tough to follow.

This shipwreck that leaves me
Trapped on this island,
That's my biggest problem.
It's leaving self-love for another.

The drops overflow my gaze
For it is with great controversy
That I forget to behold myself
With a modicum of mercy
Before the earth becomes my coffin.

Just a little benevolence,
As a reward for resilience.

Translated with the help of DeepL

Final notes 💭

Ufff, this turned out not such an easy post to write either! I always find translating poems to be really tricky since my poems are always originally in Portuguese. But I'm content with the end result and I hope you, dear reader, enjoyed it as well!

The tune I played in the ocarina (that little flute on the video) is a lullaby from a game called Zelda - Ocarina of time, a bit slower because I'm still a noob. Here you have the link to the original song, in a much more pleasant tune. Although I don't sound perfect in the video, I realise I probably never will so I thought to go ahead and publish it anyway ( (note to self - and not because I spend almost 2 hours recording for a 1 min song 😅) .

That's it from me today, dear reader! This is my entry for the S3R1 Dreem-WOTW contest.

Thank you so much for taking this dive with me 🤗🙏🙌

Text dividers made by @cryptosharon and free to use
All images are my own unless stated otherwise

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