My simple and practicable Act of Kindness, to a mental unhealthy man on the street today.

Hello everyone, how are you doing,
My name is Valblesza, And this is my blog.

Act of Kindness

The world needs help, love, and care for one another. And kindness would be the idea to express such a moment. If you want to change the world, it doesn't start from the top. It only begins with you and the little effects on one another.

Most people today, we see on the streets, around the world, could be as resulted of unforeseen circumstances of life and its related issues.

I don't think anyone could go hungry for a day if kindness is a hub mark and reason why so many people live for today. Kindness to me is an obligation, objectives a goal that one should set outside to achieve every of our life.

I don't understand this word kindness, as being what I should exit when I have all the good and luxurious that life comes with before I could show kindness to another.

Allow me to share this with us. Yesterday, I was coming from a trip, so right in the vehicle I was sitting, a woman came to me, looking so needy. She said to me, please give me some money, I am hungry. It ok.

And after paying my transportation fees, from the pack, I was only left with one five hundred Naira. Which would take me to my destination.

I couldn't let that woman go, even though it was difficult, to risk my transportation, but what would it be that she slumps and died before I got to wherever I was headed to?

What would I tell my conscience, can I liar to myself, he didn't ask me of my kindness? I didn't give her all I had, I gave her half of what I was having with me.

In my country things are very difficult, people are struggling and stranded daily. In fact, sometimes I'm afraid of leaving my home, without having at least enough to give out there.

Because I am sure someone would need my kindness.
One thing I am learning in life as each day passes bye is that people need to learn kindness. Honestly speaking, there is pretty profit in being kind.

I felt peace of mind, even though I wasn't having all the world with me, but that wish I gave brought satisfaction to the Next person. That smile was my objective, and the reason I gave it to her.

You may never know how important it would be, people needs help, thousand of people out there doesn't have hopes for tomorrow. Show people some kindness, you will like the end tail of the story.

Imagine being the reason two persons get to survive until the next day. See yourself as one who can bring about changes in others, consider your wealth, position, time and business as a privilege, used it to show kindness to needy.

You can top up someone's medical treatments bills and give that person life again by just paying that bills. I know it is not easy, just think about why you're the one in the position to help. Isn't that great?

I know that all my good will not be a waste of time. Today I see children not ignore age people, even when they are privilege to show some kindness to these people.

Throughout my childhood until date, I haven't ignored being kind to people more specially the age once, and all I keep hearing from them is God will bless you my son.

To be frank, God is really showing his favours and grace in my life, this because I haven't taken showing kindness for granted. My mum, would always say to me, son, even if I am no more with you, don't stop showing kindness to people.

Though showing kindness can also lead one into trouble. Today on my way traveling to one of th state in my country, at the bus stop, I saw a man handicap, so I asked him will you eat snacks.

So when I took it to him, he said that he doesn't need snacks but money, , he is not mentally normal, but I needed to show him some kindness. Him rejecting it got me into trouble.

But I didn't stop showing kindness, I gave out those snacks and some catch to other persons in the Nex bus stop . The road to showing kindness it not by human power, you guide your heart with love.

If not people would pushed you to the wall. That still do not justify the fact I should stop show kindness again.

Showing kindness is the beginning of anyone's blessings in life.

This is a photo of a mental health challenges person with me on the street in one of the state in my country.. I bought hims lunch and water.

What is so fascinating about this trip today is that I have shown someone kindness, even though he is mentally handicapped. The smiles on his face and his posture to the photo shows my kindness to means a lot .

Thank you for reading to the end.

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