They Said I Can't Make It. #iucontest 06

I had an experience that provoked my determination. That experience came from the notion my kindred had about me. It extended to what colleagues and friends thought about me. I wasn't from a well to do background. My parents were very rich. So what other children were enjoying was not my lot. In school, my pack was almost as empty. I was counted among those who could actually become anything in life.

Well, I'm just coming up. I have not arrived yet. My journey in life is still far but I am determined not to end the side they are anticipating for me. This notion inspired me. My mother did not have many favorite in the family. (As if they did not want her in the family.) The expectations of everyone else has been that we her children will not amount to anything. As I am growing up, I am following people and learning from whatever they are doing that is helping their lives. My strong motivation is not to end a failure as the enemies are anticipating.

The Way Forward

The way forward is the only way for me. The challenge thrown on me did not break me down. It only spurred me up to put more effort in whatever I am doing. I am taking my educational approach serious because I want to come out with something successful. I pursue everything I have to pursue or whatever my hand finds to do with diligence and commitment. I believe that with my commitment and resilient, I can achieve my goals in life.


There are several sources to learn from in life. We learn from documented materials like books and biographies of those who are successful. I am also reading good inspirational books to know how to overcome my weaknesses and forge ahead.

Also, we can be motivated by following and studying friends and other physical characters who are making it in life. I am learning from these type of personalities and characters too. I convert the good things I see in others and aspire to be like them. I follow the track records of great men and achievers I have heard of. I try to play by the rules and principles they have applied in their lives that lead them to where they have gotten to in life.

The educational system is wired to inspire us. So, I don't just attend classes, I open my ears and my mind to receive inspiration and motivation from the subject and models used in coaching us.

My Hope

Now, I am hopeful that learning from all these sources I have highlighted and other ones I have not mentioned, I will be able to push myself up the ladder of success and greatness. So, that is why I said that I take the attitudes of those who knew my beginning (of thinking that I can not become anything positive in life) as a motivation and inspiration to wake up and run. Surely, success is sure for me.

This post is in response to the #iucontest week 6

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