NEET EXAM SCAM - One of the biggest examination scam took place in 2024

Hi everyone,
It's me again with another blog for everyone. In this blog I will talk about the NEET exam from India and the scam that took place related to it.

Recently the NEET exam result, the exam is conducted for MBBS and BDS courses in top Universities of India. It is one of the difficult exams here after JEE mains.


So as the result was out for NEET, experts already sensed that there was a scam that took place this time and the reason was quite simple.

This time more number of students got the maximum number in the exam and the interesting fact is that usually only 3-4 students scores that much.

The second thing which was strange was that the majority of the kids that scored full marks was from one particular center ( place where the exam took place).

Also this examination center was the center which students from far away selected for themselves and it is itself strange.

As a student we all want the center to be as close as possible to our place but here students were so interested for this specific center in Haryana.

Now one more thing, this exam consists of,


  • 180 questions each of which is for 4 marks.

  • Every wrong answer has -1 negative marking.

It means that a student can either score 720 by answering all questions or score 716 by leaving one question and attending rest all.

If someone answers 179 questions correctly then he/she will score 715 as there is -1 for each wrong answer.

But in this exam we saw student scoring 719, 718 and 716 and numbers like that which are not possible mathematically.


So it means it is a scam and that means many students paid the bribe for good marks but this harmed the good students as well.

The test will be conducted again if I am not wrong, the people involved are already in process.

So that was all about the scam that took place in NEET exam this year in India and now the exam will be taken again.

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That's all for this blog, Thank you everyone for reading this blog and staying with me till the end.

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