A Kind Act,A Warm Heart.

It is quite peculiar to note that in spite of the growing cares and burdens of life, there are still people who are kind, people who are willing to help without singing about it or expecting anything in return. A kind act whether big or in simple things like offering an encouraging word, or even a warm smile can be all someone needs to keep going. At one point in our lives we might have needed someone to come through for and when that happens, it can very heart-warming. Most times kindness can come randomly and unexpectedly from people we are not too familiar with, strangers even.

Personally, I have experienced some kind acts from total strangers who were like angels sent straight from heaven to save me from a difficult situation. There was this one time I got into a tricycle, I returning from the market after going to buy the things I needed. I met a man in the tricycle and I casually greeted him, I was already tired and annoyed at how expensive things were at the market. I couldn't even get all the things I wanted because I ran out of money. The ride was going smoothly with me being quiet while the man and the driver engaged in conversations. I noticed the man tried to get me to join the convo a few times but I barely said three words, I just wanted to get home.

The ride wasn't that long about ten minutes to the stop. Half-way through the ride, I reached out to my bag to take my fare and that was when the real struggle began, I couldn't find my money. I thought I just misplaced it, so I frantically searched every purse inside the bag and my jean pockets too and there was nothing. I always kept my transport fare aside each time I go to the market just to avoid situations like this. I couldn't figure out how it happened, whether I used it when I was buying things at the market or I simply lost it, it was all confusing.

At this point I was already stressed and anxious at the same time. How was going to explain to the driver that I don't have his money? If there's one thing drivers hate, it's when you start telling them stories when you're supposed to just pay for the service. I didn't have the slightest idea on what I was going to say to the driver when I reach my stop. I just kept searching, expecting a miracle, probably money suddenly appearing in my bag? I wanted something to place my hope on.

The man with me made a stop along the way when he reached his stop and paid the driver and went on his way. I was still in my thoughts when I heard "He paid for you". I wasn't sure what I heard so I asked the driver the second time and he confirmed that the man paid for me. I was just to happy and relieved at the same time. I took my head and yelled "thank you sir!" after him. He turned and just waved before walking away again.

I let out a deep sigh of relief. I was surprised and touched to have received that act of kindness from a generous stranger without having to ask. What was more surprising was the way he walked off as if he had done nothing. I told the driver the whole story and he was surprised as well. After that incident, I was more convinced that there are still good people left out there in the world and I had more hope for humanity.

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Talk about the kind deeds you have done or even received in the @indiaunited community. IndiaUnited Weekly Contest #7: Theme - "Acts of Kindness"

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