IndiaUnited Weekly Contest #7: Theme - "Acts of Kindness"


Mama as she Is popularly known lived across my street.
I had gone for Youth Service to a State far away from mine and apart from a few neighbours , I had no real friends. It was a remote area and I felt so alone, but Mama was a very friendly old woman who lived all alone in one big and beautiful house . Most times on my way to work, she will be sitting outside her verandah and greeting everyone that happens to pass by, I was a recipient of her so many greetings.

One weekend, I decided to visit Mama and show my gratitude for the way she extended her hands of friendship to a total stranger. It was then I discovered that her children all lived in big cities and though they had employed several maids for her, most of them were not good people. According to her, the last one had ran away with her jewelries and clothes and the one before had done something similar, so she decided that it would be better to be all by herself and do the bit she could do.
After spending almost the whole day with her, I knew she really needed help, domestic help. I offered mine, especially with household chores, so it became a routine for me to dash in to do one or two. I imagined my grandmothers in the village all alone, with no one to help. That wouldn't be right! My grandmothers had a lot of helpers!
Gradually i started hanging out with Mama, she reminded me of my grandmothers a lot and she told me I also reminded her of one of her granddaughters.
So I washed Mama's clothes, cooked her meals and cleaned the house, I even made sure she took her drugs diligently. I enjoyed doing all of that for her.
Mama and I were from different tribes and we were not related by blood but I knew the kindness I showed her made her very happy and put smiles on her face. She invited me to come live in the big house with her but I declined because I didn't want it to seem like she was repaying me the favours done her.
After the completion of my year long Youth Service, I had to leave. But before then, I had met some of Mama's children and had spoken to others over the phone, they were all very grateful to me for taking care of their Mother. Leaving that villiage, I felt like I was leaving a part of me behind. Amidst tears and hugs, Mama and I said our goodbyes.
Mama and I still talk over the phone and she prays for me every time, raining blessings on me every time and that is more than enough for me.
Showing kindness to an old lonely woman didn't take much effort from me but on Mama's part, it was worth much more than gold or silver.

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