Some say is an old tale in a love story



Some say, is an old tale in a love story

Some say that love can't be easily erased in a love story
Haven't you seen love stories that turn into tales of memories

Some say that past relationships can trigger an entity to keep to himself or herself
Haven't you seen an entity given love chances after many failed relationship

Some say that love must compromise and each entity must work differently and be certified differently
Haven't you seen total commitment leaving pride by working together to achieve the same goal

Some say that true love never dies
Haven't you seen when death claims life for other continuity

Some say love conquered
Haven't you seen people conquering one another either by force or manipulation

Some will say a change must be made for romance to be involved
Haven't you seen people adamant about their feelings even if at the point of death

Some will say love is a combined effort
Haven't you seen otherwise as belief differs

Some say is an old tale in a love story

Nothing is permanent
Nothing is fixed
Some sayings may be governed by facts

At the end of the day, another thing will pop up

Some say is an old tale in a love story

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