The publishing of the main game is coming closer... Aaaaand...


I have some good news that I would like to share with you. The release of the main game is getting closer!

Long time followers of @cryptocompany know that the release process of the main game has been delayed due to manpower leaving at a crucial moment. However, after researching, comparing solutions, testing, canceling, talking to developers of different solutions, observing customer opinions, I have now come up with a solution*. The solution involves purchasing an externally programmed game launcher/patcher. Even if the price is not exactly low for me, I see this as a more expedient solution, as it saves me a lot of work and ultimately time.

*= That's not the only reason why I'm only now ready to release a first public version and can/could increase my focus on it again. Comment only for the sake of completeness.

I don't have the product to buy yet, but I'm currently in the process of setting up the purchase (not always so easy for me living in Paraguay - at least at the moment - to process digital payment transactions...). Then, of course, there's the integration of the launcher and the integration into my server environment, but ultimately I'm confident that this won't take many months (self-criticism: hopefully! Paul, you're being silly again and talking about “concrete times”, which you actually wanted to leave alone...), as the documentation for the launcher is very good, as is the support from the developers.

And such news...

... is what I wanted to mention before I focus more on reporting on the main game again. It was important for me to publish the information provided here so that the question “Yes, but when will it be released?” that may arise in subsequent reports is answered.

Then I look forward, together with you, to getting back to reporting on the main game.

Any questions?

Now it only remains for me to say... Enjoy your day!
Thank you for being here.

See you later in the comments &
make the best out of the your day!




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