Meet my little baby Mithu the kitten!

Who doesn’t love pets! Right? And If it is a cat then you must love them. It always makes me happy when I can talk about my pet. I'm definitely sure that this will be a cute blog but there's a tragic news waiting for you at the end.




I actually don't remember exactly but most probably during covid time my family adopted our first cat. The backstory is pretty tough. My mother and father didn’t like pets that much. But me and my sister insisted, forced and cried for adopting a cat. Finally my father got us a cat. It was one the most beautiful and exciting day of my life. We named the cat "Mithu ". The most fun thing is my parents loved her unconditionally. They used to hate pets but fall in love with our baby girl " Mithu".



As It was covid time we didn’t have lot of things to do. We were all sitting at home. Our cat was our best friend during that time. She was so tiny at first. We was a mixed bread cat. Her colour was white. At first she was not that friendly. But as time went by she was having good time and made great relationship with us.


She was a picky eater. She used to eat fish, fishbone, meat, egg, milk, rice, biscuits etc. She never consumed food which had bad smell or was not well made. I guess she was conscious about her health.


When she was little, she used to sleep in a box beside my bed. But as she was having a good relationship with me she began to sleep in the corner of my bed. She was a sound sleeper. And used to sleep for hours. Sometimes she slept for 18-20 hours in a day.


As our relation grew stronger, she began to sleep beside me. And then on my chest amd beside my head. At first I was not that much comfortable. But then as time flew by I started to enjoy her presence near me. At night when I watched something on my phone she also watched that with me. It was a cute experience for me.


She had a great relationship with my mother. She was the one who actually took care of her. She fed her, pampered her, bathed her etc. When she used call her by her name " Mithu " she always ran towards her. She used to spend hours with her. She was basically the mother of the cat. But the fun thing she used to hate cats. But Mithu actually changed her. She now always likes cat and gets excited when she sees new cats.


My cat also had great relationship with my sister and father. My sister was a little kid when we Adopted the cat. So used to annoy the little cat. But mithu never attacked her. She never gave a single scratch to anyone. Unfortunately my father also used to like annoying cats. But still mithu never fought back or attacked anyone of us.


She had some friend cats in the neighbourhood. Sometimes they visited her and sometimes she also visited them. She gave birth to four beautiful kittens during her first pregnancy. As we didn’t have enough space we had to gave other people who really wanted to adopt cats. She gave birth 11 beautiful kittens during her time. When we gave them to other people she used to be so lonely. I felt very bad for hee that time.


As she grew older she became sick sometimes. But we specially my mother pampered her very much. She was like a queen of our house. She always got good foods, nice place for sleeping so she didn’t get sick more often. Buy as time passed by it was hard for her to cop up with the weather. She became sick sometimes.


Unfortunately one-day she felt sick suddenly. We were so tensed about her. But she could not fight back the sickness. So went to heaven. As I said earlier I will tell something that will be tragic. This is it. She left us and went to the god and heaven.


I still miss her. Her presence was something else. She was so adorable. We adopted also some different cats after her death but thar didn’t feel the same. Interestingly we always adopted cat which had direct connection with mithu. We try the find mithu in her childrens. But It is what it is. We have to move on.


A pet is an important part of our life. It can be your friend, you best friend. You can talk to them for hours but they will not judge you. They can make your mind fresh and enlighten us with happiness. Now I don't have any pets as no pets felt the same as mithu. But hopefully one day I'll adopt a persian cat and will try to recreate the moments create with Mithu .

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