Meet Our Pets at Home


I'm new to Hive and found this amazing community where I'm sure I have something to share. I'm a Momma of two and I can tell you my hands are full. My kids keep asking for a pet. My daughter, Tia wants a pink hair dog. Glad we haven't seen one yet. We would love a dog in the house but at the moment we can't just keep one so we got these instead.



This bunny is a gift to the kids for doing well in school last year. One night (28th January 2021) their Dad bring this home to surprise them. My son, Jigz, wants to call it Elizabeth but lol it's a buck so we called it Thumper.


He loves his carrot and some days me and my husband go down the lane to pick some dandelions for him. He loves it!


He's a trouble maker.

He lives on his hatch. But then again he always manages to escape. So we decided he can have the greenhouse since it was wintertime at that time. He can hop around in a much bigger space. But he's still not satisfied. So I told my husband to bring him to the garden and make a big enclosure just for him not to get out but still be able to run free.


We have foxes, dogs and cats around the place. The last time the fox took all our chickens. So I'm afraid that they will be after Thumper if they found him.


But Thumper doesn't care he wants out. One morning our neighbour knocks on our door telling us about our rabbit is out and in front of the neighbour's garage. Like he likes to stay under the car. He will go out but will go back to our yard. He just likes to have a wee run out on the lane and back. But the neighbours are concerned that he will get hit by a car.

The Chase

The Chase.jpg

The Chase is On

Tha chase is on.jpg

I laugh while watching them catch Thumper but in the end, they give up as he is too fast. They are no match for his skill.

Even, himself got tired of that chase, plus us lol.


And the next morning we receive lots of messages that our Rabbit is on Facebook (Concerned Citizen in our town). Like it was shared more than my own post. He's an instant celebrity!


So we have no choice but to put him back on the hatch. I like him out running around freely, eating grass, go out on the lane but I know it's also dangerous so there's Thumper back to his hatch.

He doesn't look happy.


Fishy Fishy


We brought the kids to a Pet Store and let them choose what they want as long as they can look after it. Of all the pets they choose the fish.

They also choose the aquarium and what to put in it.



This works well for us as it is not hard to look after. I think this is one of the easiest pets to mind if you're busy. We get them goldfish in different colours, which they can feed and help to keep it clean.

I laugh as I love to eat fish and my daughter when I'm eating fish always runs and looks at the aquarium to check if her fish is still there. And warned me,

"Do not eat my fish, Mommy!"

As if it's big enough to fill me up, lol.

The cat that is not ours.


This is the most recent. Just last week this ginger cat keeps coming to our house. And the kids were so excited. We don't have any cat food so my husband went to the pantry and get a tin of luncheon meat and also milk for it to drink. We borrow Thumper's extra food bowl and lend it to the Ginger cat. Tia wants to call it Caroline but lol it's a tomcat so he is Boris now.


After the first time, Boris keeps coming back. My daughter Tia, told us on our shopping day to get Boris cat food. And so we did. Now he is included on our shopping list!




Tia excitedly shows Boris the treats we got for her. And together with her brother they feed the cat and pet it. They are always delighted when they hear him coming. As if he is calling us when Meowinggg.

These are our pets and they keep us entertained day and night. The kids love them and it's great having them in our house.

Thank you for reading.


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